US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Trumps people are backtracking and resigning en masse. Bar the odd County board meeting in Galway Iā€™ve never seen anything quite like it

A bad day for the far right


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Not even Sean Hannitty can save them now

What is it with the far right and their Rocky amorphisms?



Makes sense

Do you feel emboldened enough to at least admit what you are yet

We have the full house of fuckwits by the way

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I saw you denying you are a complete moron earlier so you have certainly no right to ask that question

Admit what you are

Cabinet members considering invoking the 25th.

Rocky II whatever.
It may be the simplistic tough guy image that appeals to many as filtered down via trump and reality TV, you can see how a lot of lads on here feel empowered by that dynamic

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People are struggling with the pandemic, trump had the economy humming and was turning lives around before chy-na unleashed this biological weapon. Morons voted in a corporate sock puppet and now the prospect of the swamp running roughshod looms large. Understandable they donā€™t want to submit to that. When the irish government says jump you say how high. Americans are made of sterner stuff.

Theyā€™ve been out protesting for months for BLM so wouldnā€™t disagree there.
Attempting to take over state buildings however lies in the realm of treason and terrorism

But if French Union workers did it youā€™d be falling over yourself to congratulate them. The ones in Washington just walked out and went home, not exactly an attempted take over, petal.

But you support the antifa/BLM, that aligns with your political view. So your contribution is asterisked.

Your assumptions no one else can help. You certainly have enough of them. Perhaps in the light of day tomorrow you might learn to see beyond.
The train has stopped at the station, last chance to escape this rabbit hole

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Americans are free to do what they want, it doesnā€™t affect me in the slightest, but if you canā€™t recognise the hypocrisy of seeing looting rioting and disorder being either brave and beautiful or treasonous and terrorism depending which political side the rioters are on then donā€™t bother replying to me in future. Thereā€™s been a whole summer of rioters listened to and their actions excused. But now, this is totally different apparently.