US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

(From some tweet somewhere)
Capitol during BLM protests

Capitol today



One was shot dead you moron Was that the Elizabeth you were mocking earlier?

Bullshit, there were loads of people that got beatings from the cops and tear gassed. Are you disappointed more weren’t shot dead you blood thirsty clown.

A 14 year vet apparently, who served four tours with the US Air Force. Amazing really that someone who “defended their country” in combat ended up being shot dead in her nation’s capital.

How is a “billionaire” old man from New York the leader of the rednecks?


Any reason given as to why she was shot?

Cops had no choice. She was waving a machete at them and she had just slashed an Everton supporters face with it.


Ah that famed skanger wit. Salt of the earth.

:grinning: :grinning:


The same reason lads on TFK believe lockdowns are good for them, they’re not smart enough to realize they’re dumb. Also known as the Dunning-Kruger effect, being misinformed but blissfully unaware of it.


There was a group trying to break down a door and someone behind the door (probably secret service) fired a shot at them.

Brian O’Donovan reported from 2 miles away

Possibly justified so, but id be interested to see the investigation.

I see the majority of republicans in the representatives are voting not to certify Pennsylvanias votes. Polarised situation. The left dreaming they just witnessed an attempted coup will deepen division.

Breaking the law.

As usual you have positioned yourself and your huge cakehole on the wrong side of this debate. If you were around in the 1920’s you would have been lionising the Black and Tans. France during the war would have seen you licking Nazi Hoop in Vichy. Drumcree in the 90s and you would have been marching proudly with your bowler hat, slapping schoolkids out of the way with your cane. Your consistency in siding with the fascists is all too predictable.


All those words struggling to make any point at all. Situations like this are way too nuanced for fools from Dublin like you who are dimwitted and have no real world experience. Stay in your comfort zone.

Isn’t tampering with mail a federal crime @Tierneevin1979,this fella is in for a bit of a stretch I’d say

It’s over.

How come a nuanced lad with all this world experience like yourself is living in Mulhuddart?