US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

The last crowd to take over Capitol Hill were the Brits. No doubt you’d have agreed with them too

Go to bed lads, the revolution has been cancelled.

The world has spoken

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Scott from marketing obviously didn’t write that. As a right wing, nutjob, racist, evangilical, homophobic, mysoginistic, facist, climate change denying Trump supporter fuckwit, he would have loved to have been with those “folks” tonight.

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Sterner stuff ffs. What, like Elizabeth?

Trump needs mental help.

A tour de France by @lazarus @EstebanSexface and Donie O’Sullivan tonight, kudos boys.

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Elizabeth who?

Ireland can do its bit by sending him Bressie.


And the counting resumes, we are up to DC with Biden ahead by 85 to 18. What will be interesting now is will Republicans object to any further states?

Objection to Georgia, they are in for a long night.
Edit. Republican senators withdraw their objection, should be done in an hour.

The attempted coup has officially failed.

They’ve objected to PA.

Lads had the blinkers on last night.

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Any protestors get bate last night?

None of them. Sure they were white Trump supporters so got a free pass from a police force who were two fifths of fuck all use.