US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart


Wake up sheeple

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That will really set off the woke liberal set on here when they wake up from their booze induced comas in time for home and away this afternoon.

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The United States bastille day. Freedom

She seems to have bought fully into the Trump delusion. This tweet:

“Nothing will stop us…they can try and try and try but the storm is here and it is descending upon DC in less than 24 hours…dark to light!”

Some of those who work forces…


You never struck me as a Gretchen


Who’s that…

I’ve built a time machine. Let’s go back and destroy BEBO

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'hon the lads


A wee girl leading the charge for the proud boy tough guys I see

People have died for all sorts of causes across the history of time. Any unnecessary loss of life is a tragedy. May she RIP.

But holy fuck, dying for Donald Trump. That Bates it all.

Incidentally, who were the other fatalities yesterday.

There are 4 deaths being reported but heard nothing about the other 3

They are saying medical emergencies.So heart attacks presumably.
Maybe they died with covid?

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Just wondering had they been named.

The shooting of the woman seems entirely disproportionate. Was she even carrying a weapon? Hopefully the law enforcement officer is locked up.


Her brother has called for vengence. He needs to be put away