US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart


Bed of heaven to them

Hopefully the bleeding hearts from the George Nkencho thread will be along shortly to condemn this senseless murder. They must have a headache trying to decipher this one.

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I would agree that it was disproportionate.
Interesting that you ask about her being armed, because the standard reply from right wing law and order types whenever there is a police shooting and the a person gets shot and it turns out that the victim was unarmed is “well, the police don’t know that, they have to assume the assailant is armed”.
I imagine she was told to retreat and didn’t.
Fucked up any way you look at it.

What’s also interesting is that there were police outside the door in the corridor too, who could have been shot.

Fascinating to see the like of @Lazarus and the gangsta rapper from Cork @Turenne who were outraged by police shooting an armed man in the act of trying to kill people, are simultaneously celebrating the shooting of an unarmed woman who was threatening the life of no one as far as we know.

As I said, mental gymnastics from mental midgets.


George Nkencho was a great Irish Patriot

What a cunt

Yeah it looked like a murder to me.


You are in freefall. Just like your hero Don

People on TFK are celebrating this woman’s death??
I read that just now, fucking hell :disappointed:


Yes, your fellow Corkman said she should be given the Darwin award and wished for more deaths.

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The Camp Auschwitz brigade are trying to create an equivalence between this and the sad incident in Blanchardstown. There is no end to their pit of desperation

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But on the other hand. No one else tried to get in through the window.
Maybe he had warned them that the first cunt who comes through the window is getting a no. 4 at the butt of the ear. If you make a threat like that against a horde of apes trying to bust in on top of you, you nearly have to carry through on it.

Its disgusting. A sorry day for the forum.

Theyve been reclassed as covid


Ehhhh the whole Blanchardatown shooting thread was about equivalence. Do you think the shooting of this woman in Washington last night was sad too. Do you think its sad her children will grow up without a mother?

arrest the kid who tried to incite violence against a cop after seeing his brother get shot, they say

the president who incited a riot where people stormed capitol, put cops and elected representatives in danger. Their hero. That woman is dead because of Trump not accepting democratic process. May she rest in peace


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The woman was unarmed and should not have been shot

Yes. It’s very sad
Its very sad too in a different sense what you are attempting to do here. Very revealing too

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