US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

There was a guy on TFK one time who was such a psycho racist his employers started an investigation into him and his wife was going to leave him. I think FBI got him for a finish.

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The GOP are rightly fucked for this. It is their chance to get him out of the Party out now though.

He probably would have won if not for Covid.

Sliding Doors moment

Will Trump survive the night?
John Kelly
ā€œWhat happened on Capitol Hill yesterday is a direct result of his poisoning the minds of people with the lies and the frauds,ā€

Perhaps itā€™s what Trump wants. Pence as President could pardon him.

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Pence has been playing a stormer, an old school Republican, worthy of respect

Trump statement now

Is this is the moment he truly became President?


edit; thatā€™s a cracking jump-cut at 1.28
Dopey cunt canā€™t even get this right in one go

Healing and reconciliation

Heā€™s still pushing for 2024, he doesnā€™t have a hope now.

Pence gave him a simple choice by the sounds of things

Must be a sickener for the Camp Auscwitz brigade after he calling them to action only yesterday

Thatā€™s a scurrilous attack on an outstanding individual who like myself has always stood for the underprivileged and downtrodden in society. You should hang your fat stupid head in shame.

Some lads just want to see the world burn

I am reliably informed that said poster is still happily married. Any progress finding a life partner yourself? Hereā€™s a bit of free advice, try not to be an absolute cunt and someone might actually develop an interest in you.


Thats it then, The Don just cancelled himself. Game over
Iā€™m sure the like of @POTUS and his handler will get through this. Itā€™s the boys who genuinely believed youā€™d be worried about.

Might he even turn up to the inauguration after that? Maybe hell run for the democratic nomination in 2024

He needs to hand the reins over to Ivanka to regain the peoples trust

Well someone has quietened him. The dems are demanding his removal though.

Hard to believe how many lads on here actually fell for Trumps shite. I hope they didnā€™t donate too much to his cause

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