US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

“ During the press conference, police also identified all four people that died during the chaos.

Ashli Babbitt, a 35-year-old military veteran from California, was shot by a plainclothes Capitol police officer, according to Washington DC Police Chief Robert Contee.

Benjamin Phillips, 50, Kevin Greeson, 55, and Rosanne Boyland, 34, also died after suffering “medical emergencies”, he said.

The three travelled from Pennsylvania, Alabama and Georgia respectively.”

I was watching a podcast earlier and they were saying that using teargas indoors can be lethal

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6 million wasn’t enough

Looks like a BLM plant to me.

Here he is playing the piano at a BLM rally

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The Camp Auschwitz Brigade were sent home with their tae in their mugs

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K-Mac up soon

edit - done and dusted - starts at 2.21, just a statement, no questions


She legged it out of there quicker then the Trump fanboys on here anytime they get called out for their bull


Donie came a long way


Fucking idiot. Imagine wearing your work badge to a riot.:rofl:

Do they live in America? Pure hybrid yank paddy accent on the mom.

You wouldnt find those windows or that geansai in America mate


She’s definitely either American or lived there a long time so

Josh Hawley has had his book deal cancelled.
You love to see it.

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Did yer wan doing the the statement at the news conference say peaceivlly? And was she speaking on behalf of the POTUS?

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It will take a few days for Camp Auschwitz to fully realize just how used they have been. Obviously many are that thick they might never realize it

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If she was black, and the other protestors were black, every single one of you cunts would be justifying the actions of the person who shot her and calling for more violence. I’m more than happy these MAGA cunts are finally getting a piece of their own medicine. :clap:

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A capitol police officer has died as a result of injuries suffered yesterday.