US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

All 74 million of them? She could have done with a few more of them voting for her, she would have won.

:rofl: What a shit brick. Heā€™s afraid of what that might say about him in the speeches. He should be made go.

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Yes anyone that was taken in by that orange baboon.

Taylor is a staunch Trump supporter and recently travelled to Washington DC for a post-election pro-Trump rally. A photographer by trade, she was upset by the rioting but believes unsubstantiated claims that left-wing radicals were behind the violence.

It was just heart-breaking to watch what was going on and the behaviour of protesters is just not like the Trump people Iā€™ve been around. If it did come from any conservatives, then I condemn it. Thereā€™s no excuse for violence.

It doesnā€™t change my support for Trump. The people that love Trump, thatā€™s not going to change no matter if he gets a second term or not. It just means weā€™re going to hold out for 2024 and hope either he runs again or his kids do.

Our country is going to go downhill over the next four years if Biden does take office. Iā€™m actually moving today out of the city into the suburbs of a Republican county because I am afraid of how Democratic counties will end up under a Biden presidency.

Weā€™re going to catapult towards socialism and communism. Iā€™m worried for the countryā€™s future, but regardless of who takes office, we have a lot of healing to do. I hope we can all find our common humanity and embrace each other when this is all over, which is hopefully soon.

Taylor seems to be an awful spanner.

God Bless Texas

It says a lot about crooked Hillary that people still voted for him. Iā€™d say many people had a fair idea it would end up like it did.

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Itā€™s Kamala Harris who really scares Republicans.

Yeah. the ā€œnarrativeā€ in 2016 was that it was animosity towards Hilary Clinton as much as support for Trump that swung the election. Doesnā€™t really hold up considering she won the popular vote and this time round against a fairly inoffwnsive candidate he increased his vote to - what is it now - 74M ?

And yes Iā€™m sure lots of people could see how it was going to end up and yet they voted for him.

I donā€™t\canā€™t understand it. Are Muricans stupid? By next week itā€™ll be common currency that Trumpā€™s supporters were infiltrated by antifa.

If theyā€™re scared of her, wait until AOC starts climbing the ladder.

Do they not do compassionate leave over there, no?

This Donie fella hasnā€™t much of a Cahersiveen accent anyway.

Reporters generally donā€™t use their everyday accent or inflections when on camera I imagine



Itā€™s actually quite simple, and it has very little to do with being ā€œtaken in by Trumpā€ which is nonsense, a small number are fanatical but in the grand scheme of things they are irrelevant.

The reason people vote for Trump in 2020 is because they align with Republican and conservative ideals, and Trump actually pursued those ideals more aggressively than prior Republican presidents. The US outside of the coasts is simply a very conservative place.

A lot of people might not like what Trump says or what he does, but for them the alternative is worse. There is genuine concern about the direction the Democratic party is heading in, and a fear that Biden is a very weak individual who will be railroaded into a ā€œsocialistā€ agenda (as conservatives see it). Itā€™s not just whites with that view, Trump has a lot of support among Hispanics, remember a lot of them fled socialist utopias in central and south America.

As always the economy determines most elections, and the economy was booming before the pandemic, so much so that but for Covid Trump would likely have won pulling up. The response to Covid definitely hurt him, probably the deciding factor for swing voters.


Youā€™re much more tuned in to American politics than I am obviously. But hereā€™s the thing - everything Iā€™ve seen or read about Biden points to him being a conciliator, a deal maker, finding the middle way. I really donā€™t see, and I get that America is a very conservative country, how he can be seen as a danger. Whereas, despit Trumpā€™s booming economy, regardless that some commentators say that Obama had laid the roots for it, can even conservative America not see that he (Trump that is) is a dangerous megalomaniac?

The right think Biden is a communist, the hard left think heā€™s a corporate stooge. That says more about those respective groups than it does about Biden

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The average Trump voter genuinely believes the Earth is flat


Could you just for once let the adults talk.

Your hero will soon be tried for instigating domestic terrorism. No wonder youā€™re lashing out

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She is a harmless aul dullard albeit with a nice ass

Is Pelosi trying to wind Trump up completely with this business about him starting a nuclear war? :rofl: