US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Heā€™s fucked

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So, the issue is style over substance. Trumpā€™s speech is execrable, but that was known before the 2016 election. The experience working people have had all over most of the US has been similar over the last few decades, wealth concentrated on the coasts, manufacturing and itā€™s associated jobs leaving, trade deals that gave away the farm, and meanwhile politicians of both parties getting incredibly wealthy but doing nothing to address any issues that actually impact most people. Itā€™s against that backdrop that Trump emerged.

The reality is that from 2017 to early 2020 real wages actually rose for the first time in 50 years, and rose at a faster pace for minorities. For all the accusations of racism (and his rhetoric certainly is), he signed into law the First Step act which at least somewhat addressed inequality in the justice system, and was the first president to provide targeted funding to historically black colleges.

The claim that his tax cuts were for the wealthy somewhat misses the mark, the main result of the tax cuts was to return hundreds of billions of dollars to the US which had been locked up oversees. Corporate tax is now in line with international tax rates (it was 36% versus an average of 20% in Europe), and it certainly helped small businesses that are the life blood of any economy.

As for Biden, he has been a conservative Democrat, and thatā€™s the way I would expect him to govern. Most Republicans though see him as in serious cognitive decline, and think he will be unable to stop the leftists in the party setting the agenda.

Havenā€™t heard from Corbynite Paul Mason for a long time.

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Trump stoked racists and crackpots to attain power. His mantra was division and hate speech. The real people of America have found their voice and now he faces prison. The yanks have a real statesman in there now, a man of real America, not of racists and crackpots


Paul abandoned Marxism

They are shitting it


He abandoned journalism as well.


Thatā€™s a good explanation of the reasons alright. Still hard to believe so many people voted for such an out and out cunt who almost comically cares about no one except himself. .

That describes all politicians though, Trump is just completely transparent about it and is a very poor liar.

But but I voted for Biden/Harris


I did, and to be quite frank I couldnā€™t care less what you believe about that.

With trump supporters rioting through the Capitol? Iā€™d be interested in seeing who predicted that 4 years ago.

Iā€™ll tell you anyway. I find it distinctly odd that someone who has 4/5 years bigging up the merits of Trump would say (and possibly expect people to believe) that he voted Democrat


Probably not that but no one expected it to be boring.

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I thought heā€™d be shot myself. I suppose thereā€™s still time

An awful lot of people in Ireland are going to have a huge void in their life now that Brexit is done and Trump is gone . Someone is going to have to step up to the plate .


No. Absolutely not. The substance of Trump is Trump. Itā€™s megalomania, demagoguery and corruption . .And if a people vote for that it seems to me theyā€™re entirely open to fascism.

Edit: How did I forget the corruption!


I warned you winter was coming


I thought heā€™d get bored and not run again. Power is a hell of a drug.

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