US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

That and the need to cover ones arse. Ask any fella on any county board

I spent the last 4/5 years explaining to dumb fucks on this site (like yourself) why people voted for Trump, and why those reasons have very little to do with what dumb fucks (like yourself) believe based on what they are fed by the media.

I do freely admit however that those efforts have been largely in vain, bar a few posters with rational minds.


Why do you think the likes of trump would have no hope in Ireland?

Brexit isn’t done. The wailing over import charges and processing fees on ASOS and Amazon has yet to begin

Shop local !!!

You don’t think US politics is corrupt and has been for long before Trump came on the scene? Have a look at the net worth of current members of Congress, Democrat and Republican. The net worth of the top ten alone is $700 million, evenly split by D and R.

Do you think they attained their wealth through honest non-corrupt political public service? One of the primary reasons we got Trump was in response to the utter corruption for decades in Washington.


Time to hand him a fisher price version

Is that true? The UK elected Boris in a landslide, is Ireland that different?

Ah its definitely true alright

“Arise, and follow Charlie”?

Nope. But Trump’s corruption is just so “in your face”. But you have nothing to say about his obvious megalomania & demagoguery. How did that go unnoticed or ignored? Or is it that America is perhaps uniquely vulnerable or amenable to the fascist instinct?

He can’t access twitter but he can access the nukes

But but I voted for Biden/Harris


Do you think the fbi will avoid investigating Biden’s cub, given the very real risk of lads accusing them of voting trump?

I don’t think it has gone unnoticed. I think like his ugly rhetoric, people held their nose and voted for him anyway, because for them the alternative is worse. They are conservatives remember, they don’t think like leftists.

This is fantastic, yer wan is every bit as blinkered, not to mention borderline psychotic as a certain few fellas on here

Have you tried banging your head against a wall, to get out of this repetitive mental loop you are stuck in?

No. Have you?


The Wesht of Ireland has taken over the world


And boris reckons itll be the easiest trade deal ever