US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Stuck for a gift for the weird psychotic Trump supporter in your life? Be stuck no longer!


“Common humanity” now after they lost the election. Catapult towards communism - christ almighty what a twat.

I might y’know. I can only imagine the coke fuelled ramblings he might come out with.
If there’s a forum set up on it I’ll let ye know and we can invade for the gallery.

Unless there’s a fee to be paid (highly likely). Fuck that.

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First they came for @sidney
Then they came for Donald Trump
No one is safe


We could have a TFK away day


Oh god let this be true

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Hannity is pushing Parler like fuck tonight

Bernie putting things in plain English for all those brave Camp Auschwitz brigadeers


That was murder. Plain and simple.

She’s dead because she was shot point blank in the chest by a coward and thug.

Seems a bit harsh on the cop flatty?

He (if it is a he) shot her in the chest from four feet away. He had a clear line of sight. He shot to kill, not to wound or warn. It was 100% a death shot. He could have fired a warning shot. He’s a thug and a coward.
I actually think lives were saved by not releasing the national guard.

Conservative as in ethnic cleansing, lynching, bigotry and intolerance?


Definitely seems a fuck up but it was a stressful situation to say the least. Has there been any explanation given?

There’s a difference between a fuck up, and a trained officer of the law shooting an unarmed person straight through the heart from four feet away imo.

Who knows what happened maybe she was threatening to pull a gun and made the movement as if to do it.

This sadly isn’t true. Many trump supporters are just hopping off the bandwagon like the Munster rubby brigade. They can see the way the wind is blowing.
He lost the election by an astonishingly small margin given the hatred he has espoused from the start.