US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Have you seen the video above?

Yea but I’ve no sound tho as there’s kids asleep beside me :blush:

She was shot in the neck. He was probably aiming for her shoulder and missed. The doorway the baying mob were breaking through led directly to the House of Representatives chamber with all members inside, fuck knows what would have happened if they had gotten through, maybe a lynching.

Some of that but mostly just ordinary god fearing folk.

She was trying to overthrow a democratically elected government and install a fascist dictator mate. Sometimes people get shot in coups. I agree they are lucky more of them weren’t shot


Ok mate, sure.

Those are the facts mate. His job was to protect those in the chamber, at the cost of his own life if necessary. They were given ample warning. You are simply wrong on this one, there is zero chance he will be convicted of anything.

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She was a simple misguided soul.

How do you know that?

Oh I know he won’t be convicted of anything.

Well if she, as you seem convinced, genuinely thinks she was in the process of a revolution to “overthrow a democratically elected government and instil a fascist dictator” by climbing over a barricade the likes of which you’d see outside The Alley, and breaking a bit of glass, then she is clearly both simple and misguided.

I don’t think you appreciate the gravity of the situation. A mob were breaking into a hallway that led to a chamber where literally the entire US government were huddling in fear under tables. They would have been easy enough to overpower, so at the least you are looking at a hostage situation or perhaps a mass lynching. There were a lot of different groups among the insurgents, some were there for selfies, some for a souvenir, but a fair few were there to take back “their” government.

I also think both parties are genuinely scared shitless by this.


+1, storming the houses of government in a country should always carry the risk of getting shot in the head. I am perfectly OK with this.


I’m actually shocked by how genuinely right wing many folk on here are. They honestly believe that shooting a rabble of simpletons (cheerlead by the incumbent president) in the head or neck is perfectly reasonable, and in fact, more should have been similarly executed.
FFG love an oul execution I spose it’s nothing new.

It is amazing that only one intruder was shot. Not one other was even wounded.
Turn it around, a mob/group of any sort entering the home or office of so many of these people would have met more firepower.


From what I can see, the majority of the protesters, or whatever you want to call them, were far from organised crime. You need to remember that they were encouraged and given tacit approval by the President.

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It was highly organized, don’t be fooled by the pictures of lads with horns on their heads.

Have you seen the interview with the lad with the horns?

The majority were well within their rights to attend the event and walk to the capitol to protest, however misguided, misinformed and badly led they were.

However they had no rights to enter the building and were clearly putting themselves at risk.

The interesting point yet to be explained is why the response was so slow.

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Most of them hadn’t a clue what they were at by and large. Eejits is all.

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