US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

That’s the difference. In the Dail the lads from the south would be packing Deep Heat.


Looks like Antifa to me.

I’m glad they’re ok…hopefully the experience will help them identify with victims of the mobs they stoked up, egged on and which led to deaths etc

I can understand lads calling for warning shots, shots to injure etc …they dont have my understanding of ballistics and mightn’t have considered the implications of 40 grain lumps of lead zipping merrily round the chamber at supersonic speed

In fairness I’ve always thought Boulton is two ends of a cunt but he drew out her space cadet nature beautifully there.

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@flattythehurdler is having a mare here

If decrying the point blank fatal shooting of a misguided lady is “having a mare” then so be it.

She was an absolute fucking fruit loop and a dangerous looking one at that.

Honestly, I’m sure you mean well and your heart is in the right place but if you think that storming the chambers of a democratically elected institution when it is sitting shouldn’t come with severe consequences then I think you’ve lost perspective somewhere along the line.


He was advocating the shooting of the young man last week

Step away from the keyboard :astonished:

Has Trump been suspended from posting here?

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This site is the last outpost of freedom


That is an outright lie. At least you’re consistent

Oh I think it should come with consequences, but looking at the video posted above, I think shooting her point blank in the neck was just slightly OTT myself.

That bit of bantz will buy Joe a lot of capital with media oirish simpletons

A stand up guy

A simple but effective tactic

This chap seems to have spent a couple of days identifying the lads that came along with guns, tasers and cable ties.

A few interesting enough Twitter threads. A lot of them were ex-military personnel.

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@flattythehurdler would have us believe they were a bunch of happy go lucky hippys on a jolly boys outing who got a bit carried away