US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Correct, but there was a core group there that knew exactly what they doing. They planned their routes to avoid detection, went through five different entrances, and got within one door of entering the house chambers.

In the Neck actually.
In the arrests made guns and pipe bombs were recovered. The crowd smashing in the external windows and doors should have been met with a fusillade of shots.
If it was a black crowd you can be sure that is what would have happened. It’s a miracle how it worked out with so few casualties.

I always assumed that was one of those buildings that as soon as you even considered storming it you’d have been arrested or shot or both.

He shouldn’t be. He was carrying out his duty. He was protecting those inside from a clear and present danger.

She may have been misguided and mentally ill, but she was attacking a citadel protected by armed forces.

She had her warning.

What on earth kind of a line of justification is this???

You watch too much American telly mate.

Doesn’t make it untrue.

It is a stupid soundbite used by redneck conservative Americans to justify often horrendous acts of violence, which, like too many Americanisms is being parroted by dopes elsewhere.
Mid Atlanticism at its finest.

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You would think so. They had the numbers though so were able to overwhelm the Capitol cops quickly. A mix of the cops thinking I can’t believe these lads are attacking us, aren’t they are on our side, and a lot of the cops would be Trump supporters. It also escalated really quickly.

Simpletons can be dangerous too. Waiting around for a shrink to arrive so they can talk childhood issues may not always be the most prudent course of action in these scenarios.

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Not at all. You’re emotional over this, and that’s fair. I’m observing a situation where a woman was part of a mob some of whom were tooled to inflict damage and violence on democratically elected representatives. These representatives were unarmed. The officer was doing his duty, and can argue he used whatever force necessary to do so. That woman had no right to be smashing in a door/window in that building.

She or her family can have no complaints.

I don’t know this for a fact, but I’m pretty sure the core group were vets. The woman who was shot was 12 year Air Force with four tours in the Middle East, she didn’t fly from San Diego to Washington to take a selfie. There’s a lot of angry PTSD vets out there, and a lot of them would be pro Trump.

I’ll leave it at this.

When you’re on the same side of an argument as simpletons like @POTUS, you need to step away for a bit


That’d be you then. Shoot first, ask questions later.

A fair number of the House members would be packing heat. The lads from the south anyway. Old habits die hard.

They weren’t after those members


Oh Dear,

@flattythehurdler now seems to have been radicalised by the radical left along with @myboyblue and @Lazarus

We worry about you guys. Turn off the CNN and re-join the real world.

AOC or Pelosi wouldn’t have survived an encounter with elements of that mob.

Goodnight lads.