US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Can these lads not see that they were strung up like a kipper?

Trumpers are generally quite thick

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I wonder if we dig through this odious cunts past posts about US police shooting dead unarmed blacks it would be nothing but “yerra they were only doing their job”, “shur they thought he had a weapon” and a variety of other rationalisations and excuse. The hypocrisy of you cunts is spectacular.

Are you talking to me mate? I hope not.

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Do you reckon it really was an attempted coup not just on Capitol Hill. There were demonstrations some disturbances elsewhere. Was Trump really hoping for an general insurrection?

Protesting and demonstrations are perfectly legal, and have been encouraged by both political parties. Contesting the results of an election is perfectly legal, the process that Congress was going through on Jan 6 is spelled out in the constitution. Having said that, I don’t think the group headed for the House chambers were intent on getting selfies. It was a remarkable borderline unbelievable event, similar to 9/11 in many respects.

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They are allowed to have a loaded weapon in their office but not carry a loaded weapon around the building. But you know, rules are for the little people.


Yes, there’s lots of evidence apparently that it was planned.

She was trying to jump in to a highly protected area, he had to protect it. A valid use of force. The ‘warning shot’ or ‘shoot her in the shoulder’ is nonsense flatty, makes you sound like tranquiliser dart boy.

It was planned through social media mate. You thought a load of far right idiots from all over the country just ended up at Capitol Hill at the same time?

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you were happy enough to repeat misinformation in one case and are playing down a woman being part of a coup in another. She was military. She knew what she was doing.

It’s sad anyone had to die because Trump inflamed a bunch of fuckwits to the point they breached capitol buildings.

A police officer was killed fella, they weren’t there to say hello


Do you think it could have been a type of double ball hop? Slow response, police opening the doors etc. One things for sure it’s been an absolute disaster for trump. It probably needed a really dramatic event like that for the windier republicans to finally move away from him.

It was a failed far right coup. There is no other way to describe it in relation to accuracy and facts


Arrested for taking a stand. The Orwellian States of Oppressia.

The Capitol police had no idea what they were dealing with until it was too late. The failure of intelligence is the big story, the FBI will be under intense scrutiny over this.

double edged sword

The agent who shot the woman was just doing his duty. The far right rodents who hoisted her up are the ones who should get done for murder

All they had to do was switch on the news and listen to Trump. Even a cursory glance at twitter. His supporters and enablers had been banging on about this for months.

Yep, it’s incredible that nobody foresaw something like this happening given these chuckleheads propensity for telling the world what they’d like to do online.

Exactly, after they immediately put a huge fence around the building and imposed a curfew. As they had never seen right wing civil unrest before they couldn’t predict it. Compare it to the left wing burning and looting and tearing down statues that precipitated an armed presence in front of the Lincoln memorial.