US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

It seems a bit like the collusion type stuff that used happen up the North. If the brits could allow the likes of omagh go ahead surely the US state could fit trump up. He was a far bigger threat to the state than the dissident republicans to the british

The collusion was off the charts.

You are just an out and out liar.
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what part of that is a lie?

You repeated misinformation about the chap that died in Dublin.
You are playing down this one
There was a police officer killed.

That’s what happened. You can reconcile the reason why you are doing it yourself.

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Which misinformation did I repeat?

the bit where you said he caused someone grievous harm.

In the shop?

Was that not true then?

the fella had a bloody nose man. Grievous harm you said. For fuck sake. Look you can reconcile that with yourself.

You can get fucked as far as I’m concerned

The feeling is more than mutual. Angry little man aren’t you?

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I’m not in the least. I’ll not tolerate being called a liar because you can’t deal with your own words.

Calm down dear.

Face up to your posts instead of lashing out.

Nice guy

There there.

There are almost 3 million US military that served in Iraq and Afghanistan, over half of them served more than one tour. A lot of them have PTSD and are very angry at the people who sent them there and are now saying it was a mistake, or are trying to rewrite history and claim they were against the war even though they voted for it.


The support given to vets is disgraceful - regardless of dems or republicans, it seems. No or little psychological support, letting medical support run out after a couple of years for guys on pain meds for dismemberment etc.

They let a load of lethally trained, broken people back into society without even trying to fix them. It’s outrageous really.

I wouldn’t feel comfortable living there.

Thats what we told you on Tuesday.

It has taken you 5 days to figure that out as well?

There has to be more to this than meets the eye.

Agreed. This smells. deep state played 3d chess

If he was successfully impeached he would also lose all benefits of life after the Oval Office, including pension and Secret Service protection, and the option of running for office again.