US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Mitch with the Olive branch out

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Fascism in action

I wonder where was the last country we saw those kind of scenes?

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About time

Its kicking off in the House

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Recess, some of Trumps goons got into the chambers apparo

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Its a far right coup

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What the fuck?

Crazy scenes.

Just imagine if they were black

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Scenes everybody enjoys

Was watching, some lad was making his speech and suddenly you could hear shit in the background. He called on the speaker to call for quiet but stuff just got loude. They appear to have got inside the building, not sure they made it inside where they were debating itself

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Well shur it worked for Offaly in 98 and they got a replay out of it

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We might need more kebabs and chips


Armed people are inside the Capitol building?

Protesters Staying inside the velvet ropes :joy:

Impossible to know if they’re armed but they it certainly sounded like police lines have been broken

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Holy fuck