US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Ah, they’re only taking a few selfies, harmless enough.

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Could use a few more Confederate flags in fairness.

You would have thought the CIA would have done a job on Trump by now

This just in from Moscow


Carkies are on the way with them

Imagine some Muslim lads tried to storm the Capitol

They’d be machine gunned

You wouldn’t see this carry on if you had a Law and Order president.

The scenes your looking at now are but a mere picnic if the CIA had done a job on Trump before today

As I said earlier this is what fascism looks like democracy has died in Murica

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The five will be some craic tonight @Piles_Hussain

non-white lads, I think you mean.

Live streams here

SeattleProtestNetwork - Twitch

Muricah, fuck yeah

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I’m in the ould sod Mike so unless I can find a stream I won’t be seeing it.

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If it gets cold they can burn that to keep warm

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Trump is shitting it


Could have been done long before now, he’s a dangerous dangerous bastard

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By Jesus that Trump is one bad fucker.