US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

It’s not 70+ million voters though, the question is how many are Trump loyalists. Whatever that number was before last week, it’s a lot lower now. Trump had a lot of support among Republicans mainly because of his policies, but support can be fleeting in politics.

The Republican party is very stale and needs to reinvent itself, moving away from Trump is the first step.

Would you not agree though that the Democrats will be in a similar bond if they go too far to the left?

Its not a concern. Biden is no fool. The Trumpers and conspiracy theorists would have you believe that some global Woke Marxist cult has infiltrated the White House. It’s a common enough trope throughout the history of extremists and far right discourse, a rather dangerous one at that.

The truth is not quite so exotic. Biden represents a more palatable manner of public servant than stonewall careerist like say Hilary ever did, one that the public know won’t bet the morgage on some tip he read in the degenearate gamblers thread. The elevation of him above Bernie Sanders will keep the worst extremes of the lunitic left well in check. Trumps problem was that he needed to stoke the flames of his own lunatic fringe to garner power in the first place and now he has paid the price.


This is like the time Father Jack sobered up



9 more days before we toss this despicable scumbag into the (hopefully unrecycable) dustbin of history

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The moderates eyes aren’t on Biden. They’re on Harris.

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The first female Persident of Ireland met with a lot of opposition too at the time from a lot of ‘moderates’

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I dont think it’s the fact that she’s a female. Remember Clinton won the popular vote in 2016. It’s more to do with where she would go with the presidency.
Anyway you’re comparing apples with oranges. The Irish presidency cant in any way be compared to the U.S. I will grant you that Robinson did a fantastic job as president and turned the role into a very proactive one. Up until her it was nothing more than a token reward for lads to hoard a bit of cash before disappearing into the hills

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Are your eyes on Kamala too Mike maybe? She’s a fine looking woman in fairness

I wouldn’t say no.

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Some nice earth scorching going on in the final days.
Houthi rebels listed as a terrorist organisation and now Cuba named as a sponsor of state terrorism.
We’ll be next because of Biden’s roots.


Gary Player had no problem accepting it though.

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It’ll be some P.R. coup for Putin when the Donald flees into exile in the Russian federation

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Arnie for President.