US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Parler taken offline by Amazon now.

Yeah but it would have been hilariously ironic if he did succumb to Covid that time. Hilariously ironic.

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Where will you get the club results now?


They’ve been so blinded by anger it’s only now that the rage is subsiding can they see the eloquence of your posts. Hopefully more realisation of the error of their ways.

They are nice lads for the most part, harmless enough auld sods. Perhaps one day they will look back at their Trump infatuation just like a grown woman looking back on her boyband phase


And craving for the good old days. Like when Galway were All Ireland champions eh?

If he runs as an independent he’ll spilt the Republican vote and hand the Democrats mostly likely Harris the election. Similar to 1992

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I think whether hes impeached or not, he’ll probably be banned from running again
Is this possible @Tierneevin1979?

Time up?

If he’s convicted of impeachment I believe he cannot run again. If he can’t surely Donald Jr or Jarath will have a crack in his place

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He could be president of Texas

Is he rewriting his cv?

Yeah but I cant see the Republicans wanting anything to do with anyone named Trump going forward. I’d say they’d rather take the hit in 2024 and regroup rather than let anyone named trump represent them

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You know things are very bad when the world of Golf is turning it’s back. His little fanclub on TFK is pretty all he has left at this stage

Yeah this is what’s going to hurt him more than anything. Once it starts hitting his wallet that’s when we’ll see the real damage.

It is possible, but unlikely. If impeached, he would have to be convicted in the Senate by a 2/3 majority, and then barred from running again in a separate vote requiring a simple majority. The scenario where this could happen is if Republicans decide they want to stop him running in 2024.

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That’s the question. Will the republican party turn away from 70+ million votes? I can’t see it. Seems to me that far rightism will become mainstream

The far right had hijacked traditional consevatism the last few years, it needs to get back to its core values to have any hope of being a force in 2024.

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That’s why the Republicans wont go near anyone named Trump for 2024. 38% of Americans are conservative. Another 38% are "moderate " Tgat means they’ll go one way or the other. The vast majority of "moderates " went for Biden this time. That vote is there to be fought for by both parties in 2024. A Trump on the Republican card would not cut it again. Similarly though the Democrats cant go too far left as they will lose a substantial slice of that moderate vote

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Correct. The Republicans are in a bind now, they danced with the devil and will find it hard to shake off the conspiracy theorist, white supremacist headers etc Trump whipped up as his base. Their brand has been severly tarnished just like Arnie said