US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Do you think they’ll drop a few canisters of napalm?

This is where we are now. A psychopathic murderer in NZ claimed to be influenced by Candace Owens, so we should discount her views on American politics?

As long as I have followed Candace Owens’ output, written and spoken, I don’t ever recall her commenting on Islam. I definitely don’t ever recall a newspaper pushing the “Candace influenced the mosque shooter” line.

Incidentally, Tarrant also claimed to be an environmentalist and saw China as the nation that most aligned with his political and social values. Maybe he was inspired by the Bidens as well?


Will you head down to it?

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Trump should buy the rights to the several movies that are inevitably going to be made about his four years. He’ll clean up

God didn’t take us this far to only take us this far.

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If he’s impeached again we can call him Donnie two times

You monster. She’s got a book to shill.

The Christchurch killer posted his manifesto on 8chan. It was left on the sight well after the massacre. This is true also of the synagogue shooting in California and the Walmart mass killing in El Paso. These whackjobs influenced by arch hoaxer Q on 8chan.

8Chan was owned and operated by father and son Jim and Ron Watkins in the Phillipines. They are the prime supects in being the true identity of Q and cashing in on the QAnon movement. Trump is a huge fan of QAnon and has often publicly acclaimed them. Lads on here have been lapping up their crackpot theories, imagine being that incredibly stupid


Lay off the CNN pal :mask:

Sure didn’t SJ win the election fairly :wink:

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Would you be a QAnon man yourself like the soon to be ex President?

Whats QANON?

The Russians must be laughing at the damage to gullible Americans that this Qanon stuff is doing. Probably wondering “Why didn’t we think of this?”

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Its fucking insane. Genuinely. Fellas on here with QAnon avaters, they fell for it all, hook line and sinker.

Is q anon aa mad as tfk?

Stop The Steal

Blaming a black woman in the US for a slaughter of innocents in New Zealand by a white Australian seems a bit of a stretch.


Surely the maddest part about these protests are that they are 100pc based on something that one person made up as part of a childish tantrum because he lost. He hasn’t produced any evidence and was laughed out of multiple courts. There doesn’t seem to be any other substance to the protests beyond this lie. I actually can’t think of another protest movement anywhere with less reason to be protesting.


It was a South African using a company based in the Phillipines who came up with QAnon who instigated the first sacking of Capitol Hill in over 200 years.