US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

As the OP said, this is where we are now.

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The reality is Trump himself fucked up by not realizing the impact of mail in voting. Democrats put huge effort into changing voting laws and ballot collection at the state and local level to facilitate mail in voting, while Trump was ranting for most of 2020 about mail in voting being a cod and encouraging people to go to polling stations. There were over 100 million early voters in 2020 compared to 43 million in 2016. By the time Trump realized his mistake in August/September, it was too late. One of the many reasons he lost, but given the margins in the swing states, probably the most significant.

So, when Trump says the election was stolen, what he means is he was outwitted.

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I thought it was a bunch of rednecks from Virginia?

Outwitted by coronavirus too. If he tried to stop mail in voting, he’d have been accused of murdering granny. The cunt.

Dimwitted rednecks as per usual are the used pawns in this whole thing

Do you think they should be sent to re-education camps?

No they just need to stop being duped by INTERNET crackpots. 70 million, in fairness to Q he’s probably the greatest wum in history, he caught a good few here too

That sounds like a conspiracy theory you heard from an Internet crackpot.

Even your hero was duped


He didn’t make it up because he lost though. He’d been priming his moron base for this all year before a vote was even cast.

QAnon Anonymous is the podcast for detail on the Qanon idiocy.

@Labane, is Wired one of your trusted sources? Are they not yet considered msm?

Must be hard to put numbers on it really because there are so many bits and pieces to the Qanon conspiracies eg. one might believe in the global cabal and Soros & Gates wanting to microchip and control the world through vaccines but might not believe that Tom Hanks tortures and rapes children for their adrenochrome. One might believe that Hilary Clinton is an actual demon who makes blood sacrifices of children to Moloch but might not believe that Jesus was the original Q.

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A broad church like TFK so

Not if it’s retweeted 10,000 times sadly

Last stop is coming guys

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Delete that, there’s lads on here who arent ready for the light to be turned on.

I only pray they might muster the courage to walk through the open door

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I fear they’ll turn the gun on themselves should they read that.

They’ll be like the Oirish in braveheart. Will pick the right side when time comes
