US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

@glenshane Not too late pal :rofl:

At first glance that seems some half baked crazy nonsense FAO the attention of extremistish headers on both sides. Iā€™ll leave it to the few lads who live on the threadā€¦

American armed forces getting a gentle reminder not to be acting the bollix. Tisā€™nt in Fallujah ye are now lads.

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Court Martials are a comingā€¦

Courts Martial

Just checked that.
Actually courts - martial OR court - martials .

Careful or Iā€™ll order a code red.

Canā€™t you handle the truth?

You want me on that wall.

I very much doubt that!

You need me on that wall.

Oh no I donā€™t!

Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns

Aye. MEN with guns. Not you.

Whoā€™s gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinburg? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom

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The problem for the democrats and the left is that itā€™s clear now they wish to divide the U.S.

They supported the far left ANTIFA and BLM riots over the summer months, and, for example, Ted Wheeler is not going to take any action against the rioters in Portland.

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So, after the last week, the people who support the President still support him, the people who dislike the President still dislike him.

That canā€™t be real :rofl:

The gentlewoman from Massachusetts has some pair of jugs

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Stunning address from the Gentleman from Maryland. Thats the impeachment in the bag

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