US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

I’ve a friend living in Dublin who went through a bad depressive episode a few years ago and now has dived headlong into Q-Anon. He said in his darkest moment he didn’t find God but instead found the devil - global elites of paedophiles who torture babies for adrenachrome. The pope is their leader and his mission is to fight them. The pope’s red shoes, the same as the Louis Vuitton red shoes, symbolises baby skin. His Facebook profile is… interesting, especially since the election because he’s 100% convinced that Trump will stay on as president. His last post just a few days ago laughed at us all for thinking that Biden would be sworn in and then said that if trump leaves the white House he will have to book himself in to St John of God’s, so I guess he’ll be going to the nuthouse for a while. He says he wants to quit his job and get into life coaching. I like him a lot, its a sad story.

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:clap: :clap:


Bipolar I assume?

It’s an awful curse of a thing.

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Joe has been handed a record high Stock Market.

Joe has been handed a vaccine for the global pandemic, and a vaccination programme which is well underway.

Joe needs to focus on not screwing up the great work done by President Trump.

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You have odd friends. Birds of a feather and all that…


Yeah well I talk to you. I assume you don’t believe a word of that “Trump really won the election” stuff.

Your information train is jammed, man


I dont know, its sad anyway. Right now it’s like watching a car crash in slow motion. Like any religion after its prophecies fail there will be a few who stay on after 20 January but Q will be mostly destroyed and there will be a lot of suicides.

There should be an open market for a new conspiracy theory. There is money to be made in whipping up a frenzy amongst low IQ types. I must get out a bottle of whiskey and start brainstorming.



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I just had a read there about this Qanon shit that the likes of @POTUS believe… It’s some of the maddest shit I’ve ever read.

It’s hard to grasp why this type of lunacy takes hold in America more than anywhere else. Why do they feel so threatened and so desperate to tear down ‘the system’ ?
I can only guess that many Americans are deeply unhappy. They are lab rats for the most part and large corporations are the ones using them as such. Capitalism suits the human mind best but unregulated capitalism = a very unequal society. 24 hours a day Americans are bombarded with the symbolism of greatness and it nearly always equals material wealth… What a truly hollow world that must be. They then get sold all this patriotic tripe about America being the greatest country on earth on top of it, when it’s far from it… It’s all maintained by the politics of fear, where your neighbour is the enemy. Your neighbour is a commie. Your neighbour cheats the state by getting welfare. Your neighbour wants to rob you. Wants to murder you…the blacks did this, the Jews did that, the spics are gonna do this, the Muslims that…
No wonder America has such an opiate and prescription drug problem… People need to numb themselves from the horrors of the empty existence that is America… Either that or they jump on the conspiracy theory train. It’s tragic.


Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene knows the truth

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Is the whole Irish right wing bollix with GOD and her ‘patriots’ just a cheap imitation of of all this Qanon shit? … Thank fuck I pay little heed to this kind of stuff, trying to guess what makes idiots like this tick would melt your head.


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Gravy Seals is a cracking dig tbf :rofl:

Some lads gone very quiet tonight**

**Thats not a dig btw, everyone gets duped sometimes.

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Yes, it’s all shite…and yet there are freemasons, false flags, wmd hoaxes, plots to assassinate castro, magic bullets and like it or not, jones was right about the lolita Express…an absurd notion of a private jet to a private island where movie stars, presidents and even British royalty partied with underage girls, and that was before Epstein broke his own neck in three places.

There’s no safe place for a public discussion or balance these days. That cnn lad, jones was nearly destroyed for daring to introduce some balance into an alleged debate about trump , so he had to offer penitence and humiliate himself in front of the world. So what eventually happens? Clowns shout misogyny and fascism at trump while ignoring some genuinely dark stuff he was involved in. Then they shout woke nonsense about a warmonger like obama, while jumping with glee at a lad like biden who somehow managed to stomp out #metoo.
Is it any wonder something fills the vacuum that journalism left behind.
And we’ve always had ghost stories, shur how else would simple folk pass the winter evenings


The only poster to mention Qanon (whatever the fuck that is) are the lefty headbanger @Lazarus @sidney and @Piles_Hussain . The boys are a bit too obsessed with Merican politics for their own good.