US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Canā€™t wait mate

Must be tough for the lads who were spouting their shite here the last couple of years to accept just how duped they were. Iā€™d be a bit embarrassed myself to tell you the truth. Then if Don didnā€™t keep egging them on QAnon ceases to exist. The nutters will probably turn on him now in all likelyhood, alas he has only himself to blame


Whatever happened this crowd? Michael Lewis talked about it on his podcast and reckoned the whole thing was massively exaggerated. Most of the data they had was useless and the impact minimal if I recall correctly.

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Check out The Great Hack on Netflix, excellent doc on it.

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In the land of Yankee Doodle a one percent swing can make all the difference as it seems 90% of them will vote democrat or republican no matter what

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I watched 20 minutes of it. Thought it was very silly and switched it off.

CA were snake oil salemen. Thereā€™s a reason no one bothers talking about them or their magic algorithm any more.

Junk food media exists for a reason

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Trump is a decent man.



Is today inauguration day? Are they expecting more violence?

MLK day today mate. Have a good one

That escalated quickly

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ā€œSelling it to a friend in Russiaā€ ??!!

Thatā€™s a charge that could escalate!

Was it yesterday they were supposed to be advancing on every state capital building or have I got my dates wrong? Iā€™ve seen nothing about any fireworks in the news.

Tomorrow, they were all in church yesterday.

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Theyā€™re all in dread of their shite.

This is an interesting yarn.
Have any posters read Russellā€™s renegade history of the United States? @Tierneevin1979?