US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart


Don’t let the door hit your arse on the way out Melania

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I’ve been trying to get those lads in a room for ages

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Well shur at least you got them around a table

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@Tierneevin1979 . Do you think Pence would ever consider running at some stage or is he too tarnished now? Imo, hes performed well the last couple of weeks

Never mind Q Anon the secret service will gave more trouble with the Croke Park residents association

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He can run all he likes but you’d have a better chance of landing the President gig yourself

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He might run, but I think he would have a very hard time getting the nomination.


The GOP will obviously have to cut itself loose from trumps base to be relevent again, too many extremists and crackpots. Easier said than done mind

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I see Hilary Clinton is blaming Putin for the insurrection. Reckons he is blackmailing Trump.

This is your guy

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Slaven Bilic?

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Is that worth watching lazarus?

Its just a load of vids the Trumps insurgents were posting to each other before Parler got canned. Great 1st hand ffootageof the days proceedings. These people are nuts.
What is worth watching is a doc called Hypernormalization by Adam Curtis, posits a reasonable albeit loose theory on the source of how a lot of our politics of today came to be. Yer man smoking the fag is some buck


Feds are making a statement here. Oathkeepers are staunchly pro Trump and known to have lots of members in the military and law enforcement

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So there are such things as conspiracies! Whoda think.

What time is Tucker on tonight bud?

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