US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart



A million dead or people who don’t exist voted for Biden.

We need john Delaney to negotiate a second president.

All jokes aside, this is crazy shit

Asking the military to act against Patriots is the act of a cowardly house

The most powerful nation on earth and a bunch of lads with sticks have chased the government out of town. Truly remarkable.

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I’d say this would happen in Ireland if lads didn’t have the outlet of tfk


Could this trigger satellite protests? Genuine question


This will destroy the Republican Party.


Have the protesters burned down, looted, maimed or worse, killed anyone yet?

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Kiefer Sutherland will be in charge before the day is out

The what about me brigade

As long as he brings the wife :heart_eyes:

It should split the party but the consequences are unknown

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Can’t see how that would be anything but good news for the Democrats.

Do you think black people are inherently more violent and prone to vandalism and thievery than the whites? Clearly law enforcement in america do.

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Could end up like this
