US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

We certainly donā€™t want to elect the alleged Isis Co-founder as president of the US.

I donā€™t know what he says in that video, but you could make a decent argument that the above is true to an extent

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The Brits admitted recently they are fighting with the ā€œmoderatesā€ against Assad.

Donald Trump is a great Patriot.

The Obama/Clinton regime has led to enormous destabilization of the Middle East and made the region and the world a much more dangerous place. The Iraq war was a huge mistake, supported by Clinton letā€™s not forget, but when Bush left office there were still enough allied troops in Iraq to continue the process of building local security forces to suppress terrorist groups and warlords. This could have taken another several years, and should have ben continued, but by withdrawing in 2011, we created mayhem. The withdrawal led to the growth of ISIS and by 2014 they had grown strong enough to take Mosul and other key Iraqi cities.

Meanwhile, Obama and Clinton were busy destalilizing other nearby countries. The Arab Spring in Eqypt was supported, leading to the Islamic Brotherhood taking over, reversing decades of Eqypt being a western ally and buffer zone to prevent attacks on Israel, to now being ISIS controlled. Then on to Syria, backing the rebels fighting the Assat regime, allowing ISIS move in, and capture the US supplied weapons. Then on to Libya, toppled Ghadafi, destabilized the country, leading to ISIS moving in.

ISIS was around for a long time before Obama and Bush, but contained within Iraq. It is now effectively in control of Iraq, Eqypt, Syria, Libya and Nigeria, and has significant influence in Algeria, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Pakistan (how long before they capture nukes?), Afghanistan, Mali and Lebanon. It is estimated that 2/3 of its fighters are foreign as they continue to radicalize and train Moslims from the west.

Well done Hillary and Obama, a textbook example of head up your ass foreign policy.

No it wasnā€™t, ISIS is a recent leg of al quaedia, who in turn were invented back in the day to get the Ruskies out of Afghanistan by the US

True, they emerged from Al Queda, but al-Zarqawi had established the first ISIS base in Iraq prior to the Bush led invasion. The principles and goals of jihad adopted by ISIS go back to the 7th century.

Egypt is ISIS-controlled? :grinning: How have I missed this development? How has everyone else missed it? Is it because it didnā€™t happen, perhaps?

A mistake :grinning:

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The Egyptian army wonā€™t be too impressed with this development.

Ibrahim halawa would be very confused by this turn of events

Are you a wum or an idiot?


You donā€™t speak out against the establishment in Egyptā€¦the MB won the power fair and square sure :smiley:ā€¦itā€™s a pity though as Iā€™d like to visit the pyramids one dayā€¦serious history there.

Itā€™s a shame.

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Iā€™m beginning to seriously worry about your mental health mate.

@anon7035031 has a point about muslim goals going back to the 7th century mateā€¦thereā€™s no question of that.

Itā€™s a religion that is living by those ancient guidelines ā€œfundamentalistā€ wise which is crazy.

What goals? What the fuck are you talking about? Itā€™s a religion like any other, with a small minority of nutters fucking it up for everyone else. The vast vast majority of Muslims in the world donā€™t want anything to do with the extreme shit. The vast majority of people that these nutters kill are Muslims.

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These young brainwashed lads see Islamiification as a goal mateā€¦western society norms sickens themā€¦itā€™s complex as the majority wouldnā€™t be like that I suppose.

But thereā€™s a big push from Saudi and then youā€™ve the Coup Erdogan had in Turkey to rubber stamp Islamificationā€¦itā€™s legislated for now in Turkey sureā€¦I donā€™t mind any refugees coming hereā€¦ but when thereā€™s an agenda it does make me wonderā€¦why arenā€™t they going to the Gulf States for exampleā€¦are they that sectarian that they wonā€™t take Shia kids in from Syria?

Theyā€™re very much muslimsā€¦think about it. kid.

Except the agreement to withdraw from Iraq by the end of 2011 was agreed under the Bush administration, not the Obama one. It was also supported by Trump.