US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

You can tell there’s a real camaraderie at the heart of the Trump administration. I get the sense that Trump acknowledges the complex nature of running a country, but is constantly looking to develop uncomplicated ways of working.


Donald Trump is a man who gets things done, a problem solver, a visionary, he will revolutionise the stale politics of America


A collection of great minds?

Collection of racists more like. Cop on to fuck.

That’s probably the real reason why the snowflakes and layabouts can’t stand him.

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Who are the racists in the photo and why? Are they racists simply because they are white? Stick to the car fixie thread, you are out of your depth here.

Spicer and Conway are going nowhere, they are integral to Trump getting his message out. Along with Trump, their honesty is a breath of fresh air. Comes with the expected gaffes but anyone surprised with how Trump is behaving as president is an idiot. It’s understandable though, there must be genuine surprise that he is behaving the opposite to your typical politician in actually doing what he promised.


Jesus H, Trumpy/ClintON, it does not matter, the very few benefit from billions

Weren’t you saying your son was racially abused, and then completely silent afterwards as to such? Strange, that.

I’m going to make an educated guess here - if he’s anything like his father, I’d be pretty sure he was the one doing the racist abusing.

Take your meds.

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Hi pal.
That’s certainly been true and increasingly true over the past few decades. It remains to be seen whether Trump will live up to his promises (or be allowed to). He is a huge threat to the establishment who want to keep things exactly as they are. There should be no surprise at the ferocity of the campaign against him, these cunts have a lot to lose.

Like myself he doesn’t have a racist bone in his body or thought in his head. Based on good parenting, not that you would know anything about that.

If you want to make it personal I can go down that road. You’re not worth the effort though.

So non white able minded people just ain’t up to scratch with Donald?

What has he done that he promised?

Flesh that out a bit. What are you trying to actually say? Because there are no whites in the photo they must be all racists? Are you really that shallow?

Just funny that this Great Group contains no other ethnicities is all.

good to see you back bud. there’s a few “enemies” in high places at war with each other me thinks. IMO the Republicans planted this bufoon/mad cunt because they new he could appeal to people Clinton wouldn’t. I listened to an interview with Chomsky the other night and he actually thinks the Republicans are the more dangerous of the two, even though it has been democrat presidencies that have been historically worse

Didn’t Chomsky vote HRC ??

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A more serious approach to vetting visitors from countries where ISIS is active
Rolling back insane regulations which have made forming and running a small business in the US near impossible
Encouraging large business to put the needs of their own country (that legally protects them) and its citizens first
Fixing the corporate tax system which is insane
Fixing Obamacare which is collapsing
The first president to tackle the outrageous growth of government which has already bankrupted future generations. A hiring freeze in place and massive much needed cuts necessary.

Yeah, I bet he doesn’t have a racist bone in his body in the same way Jeff Sessions, doesn’t. Or yourself…:grin: