US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Amusing to see Crooked Hillary showing such empathy for Nancy O’Dell. Crooked Hillary described Monica Lewinsky as a “narcissitic loony toon” and Gennifer Flowers as “trailer trash”.

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The dems are turning very nasty. They know that they need to take the focus away from the massive failures of Hillary Clinton.

Donald Trump and his campaign will respond accordingly.

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And the Republicans as a whole are circling the wagons. Totally united behind Trump.

Address the hypocrisy issue or fuck off wasting people’s time reading your boring “analysis”

You on Bill Clinton:

Who’s the hypocrite, again?

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As you appear a little slow, let me repeat for you again…

The people who voted for a known sexual predator twice who are now outraged at Trump’s comments.

Address that hypocrisy or fuck off


I like Trumps latest tactic of laying waste to GOP candidates. Let’s see how that one plays out

On what basis do you call Bill Clinton a known sexual predator, pal?

Hearsay and conjecture, because that’s currently all that exists.

Trump has provided a considerable body of evidence as to how he’s both a misogynist and a sexual predator. That Trump is both a misogynist and a sexual predator is a fact.

No such body of evidence exists in Bill Clinton’s case. What you think does not equal facts. It’s merely what you think.

And anyway, as I’ve already pointed out, Bill Clinton is irrelevant in this.

Yet, like Trump, who, despite your denials, you clearly want to win, you keep referring to this irrelevance. I get a terrible sound of a barrel being scraped every time you post.

Now, address the extreme hypocrisy in your views on Clinton I pointed out in my last post. You’ve as yet made no attempt whatsoever to do so.

One of two things are at play in what you wrote about Bill Clinton. You’re either a liar in that you wrote something you didn’t believe, or you’re a misogynist for saying somebody you call a “sexual predator” is a fundamentally decent man.

Then, when you’ve addressed your hypocrisy, we can move onto discussing something that’s actually relevant to the election.

You have to laugh at lads discussing this. Day of it Ctually being an election is long gone.

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The most covered news story of the year worldwide by a mile and you wonder why people discuss it. :grinning:

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Ya i do. Its a distraction.
Its tabloid shit now. Any of the real political observers or interests are looking elsewhere.

I think you’ll find every real political observer in the world is looking on pretty closely, pal.

the American people have a much bigger problem with hillarys open border policy.

The indiscretions of her disgraced impeached husband pale into insignificance in comparison.

It’s nothing you need to worry your little head about, the result of the US presidential election in no way impacts you.

It will impact him when Hillary starts a war with Russia, a war that will be fought in Europe so will impact Europeans more than Americans.

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And you wonder why people are pulling the piss out of you.

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Sad Sid will be back supporting terrorists by then, he will have forgotten all about Trump and Clinton.

Engaging in fellatio with a naive starstruck 22 year old intern in the Oval Office would mark Bill Clinton down as a sexual predator in the eyes of most right thinking people. The bare faced lies of Clinton then when he was rumbled.

Contrast that with Candidate Trump. He made a pass at a seemingly wordly-wise near 40 year old married woman and she had the good sense to rebuff him. It would appear that he took the knock back on the chin and his honesty was such that he was openly frank about what happened and the fact that he was rebuffed. Melaina has long since forgiven him. It really should be a nothing story but the pinko liberal Crooked Hillary supporting media are hilariously blowing it up to be a bigger issue than Benghazi, her email arrangements or the peculiar financial dealings of the Clinton Foundation.


Obama has lobbed another one into Trump, they’ll have him nicely wound up by tonight.