US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

I donā€™t like where this is going

the red lines have been drawn around russia for years pal (and getting closer) it wouldnt surprise me one bit. what is she/they at in the china sea though?


was JFK mad for speed as well as women?

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JFK was a good guy imoā€¦too good for that office as it turned out.

Id take JFK as the leader of the ā€œfree worldā€ any day pal, he was taken out because he had some ideas that went against the grain of the power hungry cunts who still rule today.

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He wouldnā€™t have stood a chance running against Hillary. She would have portrayed him as a womanizing sexual predator and there is plenty evidence there to back it up, in particular his relationship with a then 19 year old intern Mimi Alford, which like Bill Clintonā€™s affair might have been legally consensual, but represented an enormous abuse of power.

Maybe so, but Iā€™d take that over a candidate who cosigned both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

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So someone who had a consensual affair with a young woman isnā€™t fit for the presidency but a man whoā€™s sexually assaulted god knows how many women is.Youā€™re a very strange individual.You have to be a wum.


How the fuck can you conclude that you imbecile. I would be a strong supporter of JFK and to a lesser extent Bill Clinton as US presidents (I voted for Clinton twice). There is no question both were womanizers and most likely sexual predators, although it can be argued that the charges of being sexual predators are based on allegations. Some of the stuff JFK and Clinton allegedly got up to make Trump sound like an altar boy, like the time JFK cajoled Mimi Alford into giving one of his top aids a blow job, or Clinton using his cigar on Monica. Just as the charges against Trump are allegations, although I have no doubt he is a womanizer and likely sexual predator as well. Where is your evidence that Trump sexually assaulted several women?

What a surprise, rich and powerful men take advantage of their positions to gain sexual favor. Imagine that.

dont believe everything you hear in the news pal. i dont think heā€™d prefer either of them pal, its the hypocrisy he is pointing out.

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Heā€™s on here frothing at the mouth everyday telling us heā€™s not a trump supporter which is exactly what he is.Hes all over the shop.

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In fairnessā€¦ like most educated Americans voters heā€™s just crying into his polling card.


he is not a trump supporter pal. me, id rather the mad (womaniser) cunt than Clinton

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Defend your accusation you stupid prick or fuck off.

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@anon7035031 is the reason the likes of Alex Jones are making a good living.Have ye bought any freeze dried bacon off him lately lebane?


You truly are an imbecile, deflecting now as you canā€™t back up your allegation.

Trump sexually assaults women all over the place but is fit for office,jfk fucks some young wan with her consent but isnā€™t worthy of the office you say.Should I get a big crayon and draw you a picture

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Where is your evidence that Trump has sexually assaulted women ā€œall over the placeā€
Where did I say JFK wasnā€™t fit for office (I would rate him as one of the best US presidents in history)
You are either drunk or a complete imbecile