US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

You’re all over the shop lad.Are you allowed drink at work

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As expected, no response.

They let you smoke dope at work?

Crack, more likely. :smile:

I love it when feck it and the most infamous discuss politics and world affairs, they have a great way of breaking it down, it’s an amazing world view.

That’s some good speech writing and delivery


Great minds, tremendous minds, many many minds would be envious of the knowledge those minds have, believe me.

I hope you have evidence before you made those accusations :open_mouth:

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Trump loves tfk.


let us know your opinions on “politics” so, buddy

you are better than that

I see don Jr thinks wimin who can’t handle “banter” at work should be stay at home moms or kindergarten teachers.I suppose he’s learned from the best

The abbreviation “TFK” could well be a staple of US political discourse before the campaign is over at the current rate that allegations, as well as actual court cases against him, are coming into the public domain.

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They probably complimented each other, he was a busy man by all accounts.

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The pro Clinton media is not running with this.

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Trump is some clown. The sooner the election happens the better and we can see the back of him. It’s some achievement by Trump to be making Clinton look so electable. In the long run it may be a good thing though as any of the other republican candidates would be putting it up to Clinton and would probably beat her. It’s just a pity Bernie got fucked over.

I feel sorry for Americans that the choice is so poor