US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Paul Ryan must be laughing his arse off

Indeed it is.

Lovely bit of info* being released tomorrow (Congress have already seen it this weekend, a few have squealed). Sounds like there was a quid pro quo between the State department and the FBI. A top official in the State department, Patrick Kennedy (most likely a Wexican cunt) allegedly approached the FBI and attempted to get them to reclassify Clinton emails from classified to non-classified. Allegedly, in return for more FBI posts in foreign embassies. Smoking gun.

  • not from Wikipedia.

Interesting take on the election here:

Labane, have you heard of this Tom Cotton guy?

The problem that the Republican party will have with guys like Cotton, is that while he may be the wet dream of uber conservative white males, that demographic is shrinking with every election cycle. The country is getting less white, and more socially liberal, at least on things like women’s issues, abortion, gay marriage. If there will be enough of them to get him over the line in 2020, I dunno. Maybe he could play down the socially conservative rhetoric and concentrate on the the anti-welfare, anti-gubmint, anti-immigrant, lock-all-the-criminals-up rhetoric. But he has nailed his colours to the mast and been vocal on many of those issues and it would be hard to play down.
One thing that he would have a serious problem with is his idea to raise the eligibility age for Social Security to 70. That will turn a lot of 50-65 year old voters against him, a demographic that has the highest voter turnout.


You would think that after they lose the Presidential election in a landslide, lose the Senate and almost lose the house, the GOP will look to take out the extremists and start to seriously put forward more centric candidates, but the party seems to be run by activists from the more extreme leanings. If the likes of Cotton are the future of the GOP, you’d give them very little chance of ever regaining power.

Now that Trump has conceded defeat, the more interesting thing is what happens after Clinton is elected and what the nut jobs will do. I’d say Clinton would be a serious assassination target and there could be violence across the country.

The Republican party is like the worst of the white apartheid supporters from South Africa mixed with the most hysterical Loyalists, stuck in an age 150 years after their time.

Think Eugene Terreblanche mixed with Jamie Bryson.

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There will probably be a civil war of sorts in the Republican part alright but there is no guarantee that the ‘centrists’ will win. They got their arses handed to them in a big way by Trump, even with nutters like Rubio and Cruz arrayed against him. The Trump base is not going to go away and the GOP can’t win elections without them.

The Democrats are in a similar position, but the tone of the debate is not quite so shrill. Clinton will be a despised president and just like the Trump base, the Sanders base isn’t going away either.

Ultimately both parties need to tear up the platforms of the past 2 decades and actually do something to help the voters that now hate them. Theresa May has taken a step in that direction with her rhetoric resembling some sort of right wing social democracy. Free market fanaticism is dying or dead and nationalism is sweeping to power in its place.

Both the democrats and the republicans need to tell their billionaire donors that the jig is up. Economic justice is back and whoever develops the most appealing take on it will set the tone for the decades to come.


Strangely enough it was a GOP headquarters in NC that was firebombed over the weekend. There are plenty nutters on the left as well.

Pamela Anderson and the Clinton campaign have rightly mugged off Assange.

Whats this now

Pamela Anderson visited Ecuadorian embassy in London on Saturday
Said Assange joked she had ‘tortured’ him by bringing only vegan food
Now he claims that state agents have ‘severed’ his embassy internet link

Pamela is a Secret Agent for Hillary.

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With her health issues, I doubt she’d last four years if she did get elected. The first president to die in office of natural causes since FDR is the smart bet in the event of the US electorate dumbly electing her.

I wonder what idiot thought it was a good idea for Melania Trump to do that interview defending the ‘grab them by the pussy’ tape? She revived the story in the media, depicted her husband as easily led, and rendered the attack line that Hillary defended Bill unusable. Great work.

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Well you’ve got over fours years ahead of you to think about it Geoffrey