US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

He’s either been terribly advised all over or he’s just flat out ignoring advice. There are some many things he could damage Clinton on if he was properly prepared for debates

Financial markets showing a small uptrend for Donald.

Up to 20% from 15%.

If almost anyone else was running against Clinton the Republicans would be strolling it.

It’s all part of the tank strategy. Insult every minority, women, ex military. Focus all attention and attacks on Bill, who’s not on the ballot. Ignore Hillary and her dodgy health. But no matter what he does he can’t stop his support climbing back. It’s extraordinary.

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Can anyone translate?

Mudslinging (shit firing) in the US election fight
I presume you got the jiSt of it now

I’ll take this.

It’s a question.

Is Donald a sexmonster?

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I think he meant the bit above that in fairness which is translated above

Ah Jaysus mike.


Sorry withdrawal symptoms


Strangely enough only a GOP headquarters has been firebombed so far, isn’t that strange?

They’re getting off lightly.

Really? Supporting acts of political terrorism now I see. How disgusting. It’s going to make tomorrow night’s debate interesting, why did your employees start disturbances at Trump rallies? Why would your second in command at the State dept offer embassy jobs in return for reclassifying emails.

1,000 WikiLeaks questions.

Where is Julian Assange? Is he swimming with the fish?

I’m in the Ra mate.

And there’s instance #28607 of the “non-Trump supporter” @anon7035031 taking the pro-Trump line. :laughing:

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Frothing again at the mouth.He’s not a trump supporter though

@anon7035031 - Not a Trump supporter.


Any chance of a pivot?