US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

I see Tweety Pie when I look at that graph sideways.

I tawt that.

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Now we know where the violence at Trump rallies came from. All in the name of democracy of course, a team of activists starting fights at rallies, burning down rival headquarters, reminiscent of 1930s Germany.

This lovely lad, Robert Creamer, was jailed in 2005 for bank fraud. He is also well known at the White House where he has visited 200 times since Obama took office.

Twump tawt he taw a puddy, so went over and gwabbed it.



Considerably less interest in this debate than in the last one, it would appear.

My bet is that Trump will be adjudged by the media to have won it and polls will tighten by 2-3 points.

He has to go on the attack and win big, itā€™s last chance saloon time if ever it was. Hillary Clinton needs a 0-0 draw, even a bore 1-0 defeat will do.

However she has a slam dunk on him over the issue of him screwing (not literally in this case) his workers at his Las Vegas hotel, the city where the debate is being held.

Theyā€™re not the ones throwing the punches mateā€¦

ā€œI mean, honestly, itā€™s not hard to get some of these a------- to pop off,ā€ Foval purportedly says at one point in the video. ā€œItā€™s a matter of showing up, to want to get into their rally, in a Planned Parenthood T-shirt. Or ā€˜Trump is a Nazi,ā€™ you know. You can message to draw them out, and draw them out to punch you.ā€

Youā€™d have to be one inbred cunt to punch someone for wearing a Planned Parenthood t-shirt.
In Germany in the 1930s the Nazis were the ones throwing the punches.

A slam dunk question has to be their respective positions on the proposed Raiders move from Oakland to Las Vegas. Odds on Candidate Trump is in favour of it. Odds on Hillary doesnā€™t even know what or who the Raiders are.

Trump doesnā€™t have a good record when it comes to getting involved in American football.

Anyway, he probably thinks the ā€œBlack Holeā€ is Harlem.

I met the President of Mexico, very nice man. We will be doing very much better on trade deals with Mexico, believe me.


Bigly x 2

I thought Iā€™d misheard that then he said it again :joy::joy:

NOT ā€œbig leagueā€.

Trump is playing minor league tonight.

Clinton is well ahead on points here. More composed than debate 2. Picking him off easily.

Colour dynamics working on the subconscious to Clintonā€™s favour.

Trump swinging bigly when Putin is brought up.


God help us all. Clinton is some clown. Trump is insane. Saturday Night Live wonā€™t be able to top this.

Trump pretending to write something down.

Heā€™s actually drawing a pussy.

Iā€™ve developed so many friends over the last year.

He called a former Miss Universe ā€œan eating machineā€.