US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Trump going for the “we should run this country like my company” line, presumably nicked off one of the crazed loons from, or perhaps here.

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Trump accusing others of inciting violence.


Clinton zings Trump on the Trump Foundation using its money to buy a six foot high portrait of him.

Illegal immigrants are paying more federal income tax than a billionaire.

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I sat there today, a beautiful day, in my beautiful hotel…

Made with Chinese steel.


Will you accept the result of the election?

“I’ll look at it.”

“I’ll tell you at the time. I’ll keep you in suspense.” :smile:

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Oh christ, he’s started on Douglas MacArthur again.



“have you seen it? have you seen it? Aleppo?”

When he tries to talk seriously, he sounds like David Brent.

Trump’s rhetorical style in this debate has been that of a seven year old.

Clinton has largely cut out the smiling.

This is a paddling.

It’s soooooooooo reedickyouluss.

“These trade deals are bigger than companies.”

What the fuck is he on about?

I’ve seen Andy Gray and Richard Keys have more intelligent debates than this. Mother of jesus.

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“Such a nasty woman.”


Laughing at you, not with you, Donald.

Debate over.

Game over.

Clinton bitch slapped Trump from start to finish there.

Trump positively seething there