US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Trump will not concede, even if itā€™s a landslide, thatā€™s about all we got from tonight

Cat got your tongue @anon7035031 ?

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A Strong night for Trump.

However, the headlines are all about his refusal to say he will accept election result.

What are they thinking, leading with such triviality?

Perhaps more trivial than Hillarys refusal to say that she wouldnā€™t prevent babies being aborted up to 9 months.

But that isnā€™t an issue for the left wing extremistā€™s?

"The government has no business in the decisions that women make with their families.ā€
Thatā€™s what she said. Doesnā€™t sound very left wing to me. Sounds fundamentally right wing and Iā€™d be surprised if you didnā€™t agree with her.

Thought it was pretty tame. A bit surprised Trump went for the calmer presidential option, rather than scorched earth. Clinton did fine, dodged all the difficult questions, as clearly her strategy now on the various scandals that surround her is to avoid talking about them. Thought Chris Wallace was excellent.

Interesting that Democrats are so outraged regarding Trumpā€™s comment on the election outcome, when many of them are still claiming the 2000 election was stolen, and Gore was the only candidate in modern US history to openly contest an election result. Why would you concede an election outcome before the election? In the event of a close result, both candidates are completely within the rights to contest the outcome.

Ah jaysus Labane. Gore challenged the result based on very good evidence of vote tampering in Florida. He, or no other Democrat I can think of, challenged a result well before an election. Trump is using this as a diversion from his various examples of sexual maltreatment of women and to take attention from the absolute hammering he will receive on Nov 8th. He thinks heā€™s getting his retaliation in first because he knows heā€™s about to have his arse handed to him, a loser after all. More worryingly, heā€™s using it for blatant racist dog whistling.


@anon7035031 in the upcoming Civil war which side will you be taking?

Did we win?


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Murder of babies of wrong. You need to come back from your morally bankrupt position.

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What Gore actually said

"Almost a century and a half ago, Senator Stephen Douglas told Abraham Lincoln, who had just defeated him for the presidency, ā€˜Partisan feeling must yield to patriotism. Iā€™m with you, Mr. President, and God bless you.ā€™

ā€œWell, in that same spirit, I say to President-elect Bush that what remains of partisan rancor must now be put aside, and may God bless his stewardship of this country.ā€.


You are still crying about the 2000 result?

Oooooooffffft. Youā€™re a bad hombre Fagan.

Game over man.

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Heā€™s on fire this morning.

Lebane is copying and pasting something as we speak

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Jesus this sounded a farce .

Is Trump mentally challenged? Seriously?


I reckon Clintonā€™s paying him to say all those things.