US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Trump is going to be whooped badly on the 8th of Nov.He wonā€™t be showing his face for a while.

Nonsense, heā€™ll be leading his faction in the civil war after that

Seems likely, especially as Hillaryā€™s approval rating is likely to be on the floor right from the off. That certainly seems to be his plan. But who knows. To some extent it depends on whether he is trounced or not.

I find it difficult to believe he has a plan of any sort


He is a opportunist to his core, so I am certain he has thought about how he can leverage this whole episode beyond a potential defeat in November. Any strategy will have his personality right at the heart of it, and he may decide that some faux-revolutionary media brand is the best way to monetise the whole thing.

If he had even a screed of sense heā€™d be the next President, which is terrifying.

Himself and Ailes will start a news/entertainment channel.Heā€™s already got a pilot show called ā€œGrab that pussyā€.

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Himself and Ailes arenā€™t speaking to each other anymore, apparently.

No mention of anything to do with Europe. Was it covered under trade or tax policy?

It was dealt with under ā€œgayā€.

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US radio is filled with anti-gubmint mentalists.

Thereā€™s surely an obvious niche in transferring that sort of stuff to a TV channel, especially now that it appears Fox News is now too left-wing for a lot of peopleā€™s liking.

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I presume Gore only uttered those words after the Supreme Court ruled against his legal challenge to the Florida result and after he had plunged the country into chaos and confusion for five weeks.

Do you?

Gore was completely within his legal rights in contesting the result of the 2000 election, due to the close outcome, as was Kerry in 2004 (that result was questioned in congress). As it transpired even if there had been a full recount in FL using the methodology favored by Gore, Bush would still have won.

Trump has clarified his position today to state he would accept a clear decision but reserved his legal right to contest a questionable outcome. The same legal rights any candidate has and were exercised by Gore in 2000.

Much ado about nothing, and again the mainstream media go berserk about any controversy involving Trump, while totally ignoring numerous Clinton and DNC scandals.


Putin is box office.[quote=ā€œWatch_The_Break, post:3053, topic:19437, full:trueā€]


The south Galway brigade


I donā€™t know when Gore uttered those words. Maybe you could enlighten us. Was it on the day or the day after polling 7/8 November 2000 or was it on 12 December 2000 or afterwards following the US Supreme Court decision in Bush v Gore?

Trump very publicly doubled down on his stance today.

Even if he does accept the result, as I assume he will when heā€™s soundly beaten, his rhetoric is incredibly dangerous.

Even, at a best case scenario for him, if he is merely being sarcastic (heā€™s absolutely rubbish at it if he is), and I donā€™t think he is, heā€™s aiming terrible attempts at sarcasm at a lot of scary, armed, crazy people who really donā€™t get sarcasm at all.

Anybody who canā€™t see how dangerous all this poisonous rhetoric is is a bit thick.