US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

A Puerto Rican lady on morning Ireland there voted Trump because God told her to.


Anti-Trump protesters out over the last day or so seem to have trouble grasping the idea of democracy.

One vote of a liberal Seattle dwelling coffee drinker = One vote of a Florida panhandle dwelling white man who carries a gun and hangs out at truck stops. That’s not my opinion, that’s just a fact of life.


Votes for the one the liberal elites want - excercises their democratic right to vote

Votes for the one the liberal elites detest - an ignorant, uneducated redneck duped by populism


The nice looking lady in the green dress on Primetime last night categorised all of the white women who voted Trump as uneducated.

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This is a dinger of an article. She calls Trump out for getting endorsed by the KKK, an endorsement he outright rejected. Doesn’t stop her trying to link him as a KKK President.

It’s wonderful to see all these pricks seething. I have yet to see a single article anywhere saying he’s won - give him a chance to lead. The Guardian is actually using his victory to try and tout for donations! “Never has the world needed fearless independent media more” with a link to how to donate.


Hard to argue with that

When asked about him building the wall and deporting illegals she said something along the lines of "hopefully that was just something he said during the election and now he’ll change his mind "

If one was to try and draw the same inference about uneducated female minorities you’d be screamed out of the place. Funny old world.

The guardian passing itself off as neutral and independent.

Her family all voted for Trump because he was chosen by God.


As good a reason as any.

He loves the uneducated!!

Did he eventually? That took a few weeks at least didn’t it, he refused to reject it at first. Whether he rejected isn’t even the point though.

Just been listening to Pat Kenny there interviewing the snowflakes. They are devastated by this result. What did they expect the fucking idiots didn’t even turn out to vote.

The people they interviewed didnt vote?

They were all on some protest last night outside the White house at Trumps election and one of them mentioned that millennials didn’t bother voting in big numbers like other sections of society did and now they are moaning because he was elected.

So the “snowflake fucking idiots” interviewed voted. Thanks.

@myboyblue was another one who got awful excitable during the campaign at any hit piece on Trump. You must be devastated or have you already switched over to the winning team?


Ironically, Trump is probably the least religious candidate to win the presidency in living memory.

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