US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

I congratulated @anon7035031 immediately on his victory, as he will no doubt confirm. Its disingenous of you to try create schism when the great history of America post election is the coming together and restitching of the wonderful patchwork quilt that is, America.

Money is a form of God.

Ya but Pence is a religious nut job.

Obama is a Christian like he was against gay marriage when he took office

Well he is from Clare.

Incidentally, the Farmers Journal pays tribute to Clare Landowner


What in the sweet fuck has any of that got to do with what I said? Are you sure you aren’t replying to someone else? To a completely different post?

No wonder only lunatics and Sid post in this thread.

Trump’s house is gas. The interior looks like some stereotype of a decadent eastern ruler you’d see on Game of Thrones.


Is that the one in Trump Towers? He has another few huge estates also. All equally tastefully decorated no doubt.

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Imagine what the White House will look like.


Nothing says anti-elite like golden furniture.

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a man of the people, he has great time for Ireland


No wonder he’s inviting Kenny to the white house, looks like he’s well used to dealing with Irish puppets


Most of all you, who has performed incredible mental gymnastics to claim race is not a factor in Trump’s popularity, despite falling over yourself in 2012 to portray Republicans as racist.

Peter’s Pence ???

Doonbeg is open for business

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Great news about Frosty.

A fantastic administrator, up there with John Delaney

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You do understand that people who fall into category ii) in your post also fall into category i), yes?

Find me somebody against Trump who disputed category i) here in relation to Trump voters, please? Or are you imagining it?

You’re a total hypocrite. You’re now making up a cliched straw man dichotomy, completely oblivious to the fact that after Brexit, you actually were the exact definition of the cliched straw man that you’re now complaining about.

You also agreeingly quoted a post referring to Leave voters as “racist pensioners”.
