US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Although @Sidney should do the honourable thing and retire, I think that we can all agree that his meltdown self destruction into madness and obsession is exceptionally entertaining



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Violence at some rallies last night again. I was against Trump during the election but he won, and so be it.

However the hypocrisy of the anti Trump snowflake tinkerbell brigade now is hilarious. This is generally the same shower who before election day, were already criticising and scaremongering about Trump supporters on the basis that they might refuse to accept the result.

You literally couldnt make it up.


Hell of an episode and fair play to the 2 boys. They had 2 versions ready to go before the results came in.

The protests aren’t against the result, mate. They’re against the platform of hatred he ran on.

The right to protest is guaranteed under the US constitution’s First Amendment. For there to be no protest would be tantamount to the US public effectively giving him the green light to continue that platform of hatred as president.

Trump surrogates have been quite vocal that there should be “no change of tone” once he takes office.

So much about “governing for all”.

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members of the outraged community are attempting to destroy basic democracy, society is absolutely fucked. the outraged community is the fastest growing cult on the planet. very very worrying times we live in.

You are the stereotypical definition of the permanently offended and outraged bed wetter. :smile:

you are under an unhealthy amount of unnecessary stress, can i set you up with something small today to take your mind off it all kid?
where would be good for you, could you cycle up to santry this afternoon?


Given that by your own admission you’re so worried perpetually worried about everything, I think we both know who the one who suffers from unnecessary stress is, mate.

Did you check under your bed for gay Muslims this morning?

just the one one of us has gone off the rails over democracy being exercised in somebody elses country

Would be hard to find them anywhere, Sidney. They usually get their heads chopped off by other Muslims.

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What Bill’s win and Hillary’s defeat also backs up is something of a trend for outsiders to win and the ‘my turn next’ candidate to lose. There are exceptions of course – Papa George and George Óg the most obvious. Carter, the Gipper, Bill, Barry and now President Trump were all outsiders, upstarts and even figures of fun to varying degrees before getting elected. On the other hand, Albert Arnold was supposedly teed up for the office from birth while Bob Dole’s sense of entitlement arguably exceeded that of Hillary.

Trump’s America - a white nationalist heaven

You must have missed @anon7035031’s memo about race not being a factor in Trump’s popularity.

He’s the oracle on US politics, so consider yourself suitably chastened.

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He knows more about it than you anyway


But, the facts disagree with you sid, and as you seem obsessed by facts, why do you ignore them?

Trump got exactly the same percentage of white voters as Romney got in 2012. He did better than Romney among Latino and black voters, while Clinton did much poorer than Obama with all minorities. I know it doesn’t fit the racist narrative, but the facts are the facts.


He’s well able to debate his points at any rate, I’ll give him that.

Unlike yourself who generally struggles to go beyond a single sentence when posting - sort of an upmarket version of @ProjectSex, I guess.


You’re wasted here Sid

