US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

I thought you had fucked off.

What was the verbal abuse he received and what was the lead up to it? More vague shite I see.

Here they are again, mate. You didnā€™t address any of them bar a lame deflection on point i).

If a Muslim preacher said all Christians should be stopped from entering the US and singled out Irish illegal immigrants and chanted ā€œsend 'em back!ā€ whose fault would it be for there being a public image of him as a crazy racist bigot? The mediaā€™s? No, of course not. It would be his own fault.

If somebody uses incitement to hatred and others commit hate crimes as a result, is the person using the hate speech innocent? Should they be able to say ā€œbut I didnā€™t commit the hate crime itself?ā€ No. of course not.

Youā€™re using your own highly technical definition of racism here as a deflection. By that definition anybody could use the n word and claim not to be racist by saying they donā€™t consider it a racist word and that they donā€™t consider white people to be superior to black people, and that the n word is a merely a word, and how can a word in and of itself be racist?

Is using the n word racist?

The beating of the white guy is on YouTube, Iā€™ll post it for you when I get home.

Oh this is good alright.

Check the post above mate, in Trumpā€™s America everyone gets their chance to be racially abused by rednecks with single digit IQs. No doubt theyā€™ll be after the paddies soon enough - donā€™t worry theyā€™ll only execute the black and Muslim lads out of ā€˜self-defenseā€™.

No lead up, just unprovoked verbal aggression. Are you having a hard time believing it could happen. You really should broaden your horizon beyond the misogynistic racist shit you listen to.

Are you drunk as a skunk or high or both?

From the engagement with you where you tried to redefine words, yes.

So are you going to tell us what was said? Thats four posts of spoofing now. Iā€™d say you have as many kids as Tassoti has. Youā€™re probably posting all this from some shithole in West Galway.

Iā€™m from south Galway mate (thereā€™s a clue in my username). Are you not involved in education? God help the little Singaporeans.

Because itā€™s pretty much exclusively used against Irish Catholics or Catholics with an Irish family background by non-Catholics (almost exclusively from the Protestant, Unionist tradition) in the North or Britain as a deliberate term of hatred.

That there were Protestants involved in the Fenian movement is irrelevant in the context itā€™s used in.

Cardinal Cullen and the RC hierarchy were very harsh critics of the Fenian movement .

Whatā€™s a redneck ?


racism is from the giver pal and not in an insult, its more than that imoā€¦ just because a person is black, white , yid, and are called such is not, it is more the treatment of people. have you ever been on a field for example, and called a lad a ginger cunt? i have, but society now says you cant call or insult someones appearance or you are a racist. some days on here it happens sure (slagging peoples appearance) but hold on, its ok to throw an insult at that guy but not that guyā€¦ hypocrisy is rife mate probably a tangent but look at fifa for example with their ā€œno to racismā€, yet they grant a world cup to a country that is one of the biggest backers of ISISā€¦

A bogger mate. Remember boggers love Trump and hate everyone and everything that is anyway different.

As an aside, I see Trump is already indicating he will renege on a number of promises. The Muslim ban, his South Korea policy, Obamacare and soon enough the wall. There really is no one more stupid than a white American.

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They also refer to themselves as ā€˜mudmenā€™ apparently. Prime Trump supporters.

Christā€¦ā€œPost election racismā€, and the signā€¦ Yet Obama did fuck all for them but spent more $$ on arms then any other president. America is a mad place.