US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Jonathon Pie nails it again. For those of you who donā€™t know his stick is he pretends to be a tv presenter ranting before taking the air.

Heā€™s calling you out @glasagusban


Four years of ranting and raving and all Sidney has as way of vindication is a little bit of racist graffiti ā€¦ Because racism never existed in America until nowā€¦ Lolz.

Iā€™d say you are delighted seeing the ā€˜uppityā€™ minorities being put in their place.

What? Give me one shred of evidence where I have ever attacked a minority? If anything Iā€™d be fairly left leaning but like that spoof video has alluded to I find it fairly deplorable the way the liberal press and the liberal political world act and behave. Everything is whinge, whinge, whinge instead of engaging. Donald Trump is not to blame here, I said it last week, I said it the other day and ill say it again, the political system and the hold big business has over it whereby every person is treated like a commodity to be squeezed dry is the problem. Trump is not the answer either but acting like a child lashing out is hardly going to solve things. America, and the western world in general, have been heading down this path for yearsā€¦ people have had enough. People are not advocating everything the right stands for but are backing them because theyā€™ve been left down time and time again and are lashing out or gambling on change. The loony left need to use this opportunity to reorganize. If brexit and Trumps election have showed us anything itā€™s that the ordinary person can still have a massive impact. Instead of lashing out and insulting people they should learn from whatā€™s going on and do something. So Stop listening to your hood music, which advocates murder and misogyny, and start acting like a man.


I love you man.

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That is a quality rant.Nail on the head.

There will be some crack around here next May if France moves to the right.

Spot on, even if the delivery got a bit annoying. Pretty sure I posted the exact same point about engagement v patronising and calling people stupid after Brexit by the way.

Not really. The snowflakes will have got the point by then.

He mugged you right off

Youā€™re the one who started a thread about ā€œmarginalization of white, straight menā€, pal.

Everything is whinge, whinge, whinge with you these days.


Wonderful show of unity between the teams in Columbus last night before the USA v Mexico world cup qualifier.

President Trump is a unifier


That was hopping balls, mate. It was 2/3 years ago anyway, Iā€™ve grown since then on every level.

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Iā€™m going to paddy power soon, trump to be clipped or impeached in the next 2 years

Thatā€™s lovely display of of preaching.

Preach with passion and confidence and you can fool anybody.

His central point about ā€œpeople not being allowed to say thingsā€, is by any criteria a laughable assertion.

This is in a media environment where literally anybody can claim to be a journalist and publish information, in an environment where right-wing talk show hosts who make a career from shouting people down thrive, in an environment where Irelandā€™s most watched TV programme allows Katie Hopkins to shout all over the prime time Friday night airwaves, Rupert Murdoch is the most important media figure in the UK and US, where Denis Oā€™Brien has succeeded Tony Oā€™Reilly is the most important media figure in this country.

He confuses engaging, which is the very thing he advocates, with shouting people down, as he shouts.

Meanwhile, he thinks shouting people down is ā€œnot being allowed to talkā€.

It appears to fit very neatly with the opinions you offer in your previous post here.

2 years? Try before the end of Feb

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Would you ever think of running for office @Sidney? Irish life/politics needs idealists with passion who will work hard for the common good. We all know you have at least 2 of the above.