US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

I’m thinking of getting involved with Aodhan O’Riordain’s next campaign, pal.

You know anybody who could put me in touch with him?

Yes. It’s a bit far from you though. Would you not think of doing something in Galway?

I could organise that.

President Elect Trump has decided to waive his 400k a year wage for his time in office.


There are still millions of votes to be counted in this election, 7 million is the estimate according to the article I link below.

It won’t be enough to change the electoral college score, but Clinton’s popular vote victory margin may well end up being over 2%, which is between 2 and 3 million. Her overall vote total is now expected to be very close to Obama’s 65.9 million in 2012.

The narratives about national polls getting it wrong and Clinton’s turnout being way below Obama’s are beginning to fall apart.

The vagaries of the electoral system have been shown in the most extreme way in the history of the US.


At this stage you really could be doing something much more productive .

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In a few weeks more he can start writing unfunny shite about darts.

You won’t have to wait that long to read my witty and knowledgeable musings on darts, mate. The Grand Slam of Darts has just started.

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Bring it on ; would trump be a WDC or BDO man.

The pdc is Trumpland, where women are leered at and ethnic minorities sneered at.

The BDO family embraces tolerant left liberalism, epitomised by the likes of Wolfie, the Count, Scotty2Hotty and The Silencer, as well as Niels de Ruiter who continues his wonderful brand of laid back, tolerant, liberal darts administration through the auspices of the Dutch Darts Federation. The BDO faily is also committed to equality through its commitment to the flourishing ladies’ game*.

It also represents the grass roots working men and women through the county and superleague system, the bedrock of the game.

*And the late, great Martin Fitzmaurice, a man who did so much to bring darts to the world.

Is it just Michigan and New Hampshire we’re waiting on? Our man has Michigan sewn up. Crooked Hillary looking likely to get the consolation prize in Comeback Kid territory. That would make it 306 to 232.

Without wishing to sound too greedy, but our man could have done better with white voters. He got less than Willard Mitt did among that group. Fortunately an improved GOP share of the African American and Latino vote saved the day for President Trump.

The late Martin Fitzmaurice, a man who did so much to spread racism in the world.

You need to get a life.


If the FN get in in France, Germany and Japan will be the only liberal democracies left amongst the great powers.

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Some countries learn the lessons of history better than others.

I must say it’s unlike a poster of your calibre for the ironic nature of that reference to fly over your head.

Would they not still be liberal democracies despite ruling party not being liberal.

Democrates need a clearout at the top table,clinton, schumer, dean, finestein, brazille,wasserman/schultz all need to get out of the way and let the sanders crowd take over,Theyve had their time now move aside time for new blood.

The “alternative fur Deutschland” will get some votes next year as well. Can’t see Merkel winning again.

Bernie Sanders: Where the Democrats go from here via @NYTOpinion
The man who would have been king if he’d got a fair chance.