US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Gutted for you mate. With all those votes what a cruel way to get routed 306 to 232 in the electoral college.

Ignoring small town and rural voters, it’s okay though she won with the metro elites. :smirk:

Back with the robo-conservative cliche bingo, again, eh, Tim? Such “insight”. :smile:

When faced with cold hard facts you resort to this spiel and/or calling others racists


But you don’t give cold hard facts, Tim, you give half baked nonsense.

Clinton got more votes among the working class than Trump. So much for “elites”.

Those with incomes under $30,000 (53%) and from $30,000 to $49,999 (51%) preferred Clinton to Trump.

You were laughing at a swastika being daubed on a wall last night and you wonder why you’re called out as a racist.

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His responses to everything since the election have been pure class. Asked about whether he’d have won it, all he said was “what does it matter now?”. His response to Trump winning and working with him whilst condemning the bigotry was brilliant too.


Is there any future for democracy @Sidney ?
Half the planet ( incl self righteous majority) chose to ignore it.

What does that have to do with small towns and rural voters? Think you’re a bit confused here.

The difference Tim is I don’t condone any violence at a protest, it’s idiotic, pointless and counterproductive.

None of the Trump supporters here, including you, have condemned any of the sickening white supremacism from Trump supporters since the election.

You merely laugh at it.

You were talking about “elites”, Tim. Clinton won among working class voters, 53-41 with those on income 30k or less, 51-42 among those with incomes between 30 and 50k.

Tump got a majority in all categories of income over 50k.

The “elites” were for Trump.

Rural areas and small towns in pretty much every single country in the world tend to vote heavily for conservative parties.

What a tremendously valuable insight from you that Trump won with rural and small town voters. Every single Republican candidate since the 1960s has done so easily…

Where have you condemned the rioters so far?

The left wing extremist’s are the gift that keeps on giving :joy:

No I was talking about small town and rural voters, the rest of your babble is just that

Maybe go to America at some point in your life

I just did, mate, and I’m doing so here, too, if you’re not able to get the message.

I don’t recall any Trump supporter here saying anything against the many racist, white supremacist acts committed since the election.

You laugh at them.

Stating that Trump won rural and small town voters is a point so inane it’s barely worth mentioning. It’s like stating that rural Oxfordshire votes Tory or that inner city Liverpool votes Labour.

Your narrative is that the “elites” voted Clinton.

They didn’t. The majority of the "elites"voted Trump. The majority of the working classes voted for Clinton.

@Sidney is hitting the bottle pretty hard tonight



I cant believe it, but George Hook is making sense on RTE1 tonight…

You just don’t get it.

Donald flipped the rust belt. A rust belt which is a mix of medium sized US cities, hollowed out towns and rural areas. HRC could barely do a rally and didn’t bother her hole to go to a state like Wisconsin.

She went to fundraising dinners and was all ballsy there, her basket of deplorable comment went down great there. She kept to small community centres in large metro areas. Her plan in battleground states was to wheel in local celebs. It was an utter embarrassment of a campaign.

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