US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Why can’t you accept democracy?

“You just don’t get it.” :smile: You’ve gone full Kev now.

You stated “she won with the metro elites”.

All categories of voters above 50k income voted a majority for Trump, you mug.

Indeed he did Tim,but he wouldnt have flipped as many if he had been up against Bernie,all the ass licking trump did with the bernie voters worked.The election is over trump won time to get on with it snowflakes.

Em, I do, pal. Can you point out where I said I don’t, or like Tim, are you imagining things again?

These left wing extremist fascists hate democracy when their extremist political views are rejected.

That’s pretty much the same spiel Katie Hopkins gave on the late late last night. Cliche/label bingo and so on.

Hopkins speaks in cliches. So does Tim. Most right-wingers do, particularly the populist kind.

Have you accepted that Donald J Trump rightfully deserves to be President elect of the USA ? A simply Yes or No please we don’t need a 500 word off topic ramble based on whataboutery…
Reply to this post to State your opinion.

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I was talking about you @Sidney

But I haven’t used cliches, pal.

Stating that somebody else is talking in cliches is not a cliche.

Lock up Julian Assange ta fuck and be done with it. Sick of listening to him.

Sidney’s righteous indignation over getting the opinion of the American electorate completely and utterly wrong will keep this place heated through the winter. He’ll have to either get a job or cop on to himself at some stage before April.

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I passed a group of kids earlier this afternoon vocally pretending to be elect Donald J Trump…

Mad, but that election is box office.

So there is a build up to US/NATO troops along the western border of Russia… there is also a US lead build up of war bases along the east coast of China…

Will Trumph do anything to roll back on this ‘mission’?

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I’d like to think he might pull back a bit from Nato.

He did say he would in his campaign.but look he’s now the president.


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OK, I see where your confusion is now. You think “elites” is a term that references income levels. It doesn’t in the US, at all. Elites references those who are in control of the economy, so Washington based politicians and their big money donors.

Think about it this way. Family incomes less than 30k are basically near or in poverty and probably getting some welfare. Pretty much all of them vote Democrat. 30 to 50k is working class, 50 to 125k middle class and above 125k higher earners. The biggest group by far (over 50%) are middle class and this is the group that have seen their incomes decline and costs rise over the past few decades, in most of the country. They are also the group that are more likely to switch parties and go with whoever they think has the best economic plan. The reason Clinton lost is many middle class voters in the 10 or so swing states switched party in this election.

The destruction of the middle class in middle America doesn’t mean that segment has vanished, they just see fewer opportunities for themselves and their kids, they earn less or have to work two jobs to earn the same, their standard of living has seriously declined. Their counterparts in the NE and west coast are doing fine, as the economies there are booming.

It’s actually very simple, I’m struggling to see why you can’t get it. It can only be you don’t want to get it.


Stop… Stop… Hes already dead!!

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@labane is 4 or 5 points ahead of @sidney…if there was a referee it would be stopped a couple of days ago.

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This guy is going to spend the next year backtracking. Poor rednecks, they are going to be in so much denial. :frowning2: