US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

You might think you see my confusion but I don’t think you see where your own is.

Webster’s, which is the dictionary I believe you prefer over there, defines “elite” as follows:
Definition of elite. : the people who have the most wealth and status in a society : the most successful or powerful group of people. : a person who is a member of an elite : a successful and powerful person.

Earning above, say, 250k, which is the highest bracket polled in terms of income, is by any stretch of the imagination a successful and powerful person and Trump won amongst such people.

Given that you’re clearly so obsessed by defining words, I would assume you’re a lexicographer - and even if you were, you’d be wrong. But if you want to define elites on your own terms, fire ahead.

Given that Clinton lost the electoral college, it’s pretty self-evident that people in some of the swing states switched parties.

But that wasn’t the argument which was being had, which was who won the small town and rural votes (Trump, obviously), and the votes of the elites, who are the higher earners (again, it was Trump), under any criteria possible.

The evidence shows that it was in the under 50k income bracket that made the difference - in 2012, Obama won 63-35 with those under 30k and 57-42 with those between 30k and 50k. Clinton, while she still won these demographics comfortably, lost vote share here - 53-41 amongst those under 30k and 51-42 amongst those between 30k and 50k income.

In 2012 Romney won those on incomes between 50 and 100k by a 52-46 margin.

Trump only won 50-46 on incomes between 50k and 100k - that’s a poorer share of the middle class vote than Romney.

Trump won in Florida and North Carolina by increasing turnout rather than eating into the Democrats’ vote share. 29 votes would have swung the national result.

What made the difference in the rust belt was how Trump dominated amongst non-college educated whites - that means mostly those under 50k, rather than the middle class.

Or maybe he’ll be a decent president. Obsmacare seems to have been more flawed in execution than in concept. I actually think it’s a sign that he is open to compromise, which is a fundamental necessity in a good democratic leader.

Gas cunts

Jesus Christ you are still prattling on about this. How can you not get the point that HRC FAILED in the rust belt. She FAILED to even visit Wisconsin. Instead she was content to win over the elites (being the MSM Wall Street dinners, getting celeb endorsements) rather than going out and doing large scale rallies, relying on herself and not a fucking celeb, in these kinds of States. She neglected these areas and the stats across these states back up how the various counties flipped to Trump.

You just don’t have a clue on the country at large and are utterly stumped when you have to go beyond reading some internet articles. Some of us have a feel for the country from living/being there and could see this movement. I can admit that I thought Donald was truly stumped after the pussy comments and was wrong to write him off, but you just prattle on trying to defend your behaviour over the past 6 months on this topic. @Steven_Naimsith is too much of a coward to post but you are just pure delusional.


Your confusion can be answered here.

I was wondering who the first poster to give Trump a chance was, so read back through the thread. And surprise surprise it was @anon7035031 in post 182.

Btw, some of the lads on here sticking the boot into the hapless @Sidney should probably spend the afternoon deleting their earlier posts in this thread. Some amount of shit was talked back then :joy:

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Still waiting for you to state ‘online’ that Donald J Trump is the deserving President elect of the USA

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I told that clown @Fitzy in post 624 back on March 16 exactly why and how President Trump would win. He spent the next eight months sneering and jeering at President Trump and his supporters, predicted we’d be routed and has largely gone to ground since results night on Tuesday.


Has he been seen since the election?

Em, yes, Clinton lost in the rust belt, but then again nobody’s disputing that - you’re the one that’s prattling on with the straw man argument.

So if you want to debate that, you should find a poster that said Clinton didn’t lose in the rust belt.

Clearly you haven’t got the ability the debate on anything other than straw man topics and are completely stumped when you have to do otherwise.

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Now the wall is a fucking fence. The rednecks have been sold a pup, the poor useless cunts.

The wall is a metaphor


its suggestive

it unreal how some lads on here are not aware

Will Le Pen be next in France?

One more attack like last November and she’ll have a good shot at it

Be the end of the EU if she is elected.


Would’nt necessarily be a bad thing either.

Depends. Between Brexit, Trump and if France goes right. , practically every deal on a table would have to be rewritten.