US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Interesting times ahead.

Worth it to see that cunt Junker squirm


And the rest palā€¦shower of cunts.

Oh yeah

These are our 1930s. Weā€™ve had our boom and bust cycles ala the 1920s. Now we have a period of isolationism and demagoguery. Hopefully we wonā€™t repeat the 1940s.


Weā€™re facing another global financial disaster/recession within the next 2 years.

Hope Iā€™m wrong.

But imo the system is fuckedā€¦you cant allow equity markets run the show. Zero interest rates are only a plaster.

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Will Pearse Doherty be our new Sean Lemass?

Trump said heā€™ll deport three million people so only half a million ahead of Obama

Limerick won an All Ireland in 1940. Hereā€™s hoping

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An excellent piece of relevant quote mining pal, quite the contrast to lads going back to 2012 to try and find evidence of a contradiction where there is none.


You still donā€™t get it, and now Iā€™m beginning to think you are a bit dim witted, like the feminists posting pictures of a naked Melania Trump and failing to see the contradiction between slut shaming and their apparent feminism.

The only definition of elites that matters is the definition used by the US electorate. It has little to do with wealth, as Americans by and large have no problem with rich people (they are not begrudgers like so many Irish). Even Bernie Saunders who railed against the elites is quite wealthy, when you take the net worth of himself and his wife combined. ā€œEliteā€, whether used by left or right candidates in the US, means the political establishment in Washington and those that support them and keep them in power (mainly large corporations).

The second point I have highlighted above really exposes your complete ignorance of the US as @Tim_Riggins has referred to. You are swallowing this nonsensical liberal media lie that ā€œnon college educated white voters, meaning those under $50Kā€ elected Trump. The assumption that non college educated whites (code for stupid morons) make less than $50K demonstrates an unbelievable level of ignorance and arrogance. Do you need me to list the jobs for you that make $50K and over that donā€™t need a college degree? You clearly have no notion of what people earn in the real world, and how could you I suppose. A couple working in the fast food industry here would be on more than $50K, and if you visited the US, you would see not many working in McDonalds are white, with the exception of students.

So, your raw numbers are correct, but your interpretation of it is completely flawed. The middle class in the states that won the election for Trump are predominantly white. They are not elites, they just work for a living, and they are more likely to vote Republican. With all his flaws, they still came out and voted for Trump. The morons among liberals claim that is because they are racists, without any further analysis needed of why they voted Trump. Could it be that they didnā€™t like being called deplorables for example? or maybe didnā€™t much like a candidate who didnā€™t bother her arse visiting their state?

Clintonā€™s only hope of winning the swing states, having alienated the middle class, was that those on low incomes and minorities would come out and vote at Obama levels. She couldnā€™t even get them to vote. Thatā€™s the only analysis that matters.


Awesome, Reince confirmed as chief of staff for President-elect Trump.

Steve Bannon is chief strategist

Trump really draining the swamp now :laughing:

No coming back from thatā€¦great post mate.

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Lovely picture of Donald Trumps Kitchen here.


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He has a lovely walnut worktop apparently.

What rednecks? You havenā€™t a fucking clue

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Jesus thatā€™s some unfunny shit. The decline of SNL continues unabated by the looks of things.

You were a regular viewer back in the day?

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