US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Youā€™re turning into Kev now.

The bit about Melania Trump and feminists is incredibly lame.

I donā€™t think even you know what youā€™re on about at this stage because thatā€™s just a rant.

Again you launch straight into your standard ā€œliberal mediaā€ nonsense and ignore the figures.

If you want to have a debate based on fact, Iā€™m all ears. But you donā€™t want to do that.

An awful lot of noise there and very little of relevance.

You acknowledge my statistics are correct and then proceed to completely ignore them because they donā€™t fit your erroneous narrative.

There was a 16 point swing to the Republicans from 2012 among those under 30k income.

There was a 6 point swing to Republicans among those between 30k and 50k income.

There was a 2 point swing away from Republicans among those between 50k and 100k income.

Your definition of middle class is 50k to 125k.

There was a 9 point swing away from the Republicans among those between 100k and 200k income, which includes your upper middle class definition.

The figures clearly show Iā€™m right that it was Trumpā€™s increased vote share among those under 50k that won the election.

But you claim it was those in the demographics in which he lost vote share that he won it, and you claim that he didnā€™t win the election in the demographics in which he considerably gained. :laughing:

One can only presume youā€™re trolling at this stage.

Some posts back I provided actual studies which showed race was a major factor in people voting for Trump.

During the primaries studies showed Trump supporters were considerably more likely to class race as a major issue than supporters of Cruz, Rubio, Bush or Kasich.

Continue to ignore the obvious, that race is and has consistently been a factor in the Republicans winning the white vote, usually easily, in every election since 1968 inclusive.


The ones that voted for Trump pal.

You still donā€™t get it.

Another clue for you is the one ā€œlikeā€ you have received from your rant is from the sole poster who suffers from even more extreme cognitive dissonance than yourself, someone who rails against the racism and misogyny of rednecks (even though he is a redneck) while being obsessed with gansta rap calling for killing crackers and raping women.

Iā€™ll get back to this later when I have time but you are looking at raw national numbers which are meaningless. You have to look at the states where the election was decided, the swing states that flipped from Democrat to Republican. The evidence there is that many independent voters, the majority of whom are middle class, switched from Democrat to Republican (another clue, thatā€™s why they are called swing states).

As for race, more cognitive dissonance from you. I have never denied that white people tend to vote Republican, in fact I said it in my last post. To you that displays racism, but you are wrong. White people tend to vote Republican because they favor the economic policies of Republicans, as any sensible middle class person would. If the majority of white people voting Republican is racist, what is 95% of black voters voting for Obama? I donā€™t think that was racist either btw, I genuinely think blacks thought Obama would improve their economic conditions. The fact he didnā€™t is another reason Clinton lost.

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Link the songs I listen to with (a) white people getting killed and (b) with woman getting raped.

And even if I do are you actually the type of idiot that thinks playing violent games/watching violent TV/listening to violent songs makes you violent?

Actually nevermind, I know you are lying through your hole just like that time you said your son pissed himself became he was called a cracker on campus.

  1. I couldnā€™t be bothered my arse, but would estimate itā€™s half your contribution on the music thread, supported by your statement ā€œeven if I didā€.

  2. No I donā€™t believe there is a causal connection. No more than I believe Donald Trump bragging about his sexual activity translates to actual sexual abuse.

  3. My son didnā€™t piss himself. Heā€™s a handy 6-3 and knows how to mind himself. The wimpy cunts taunting him wouldnā€™t last too long if anything started.

So rap music must contain the promotion of racist violence and rape? Your mask keeps slipping bigot.

Sure mate. Your 6 foot plus victim turned superman and beat the shite out of a load of cowardly black lads. Nice white nationalistā€™s wet dream youā€™ve conjured up for yourself.

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You truly are a disturbed individual, with severely warped ideas about humanity.

The abuse directed at my son didnā€™t come from blacks,itā€™s quite telling you would assume so. The most racist demographic by far on the west coast are Latinos, especially on campuses.

If you continue referring to me as a bigot and white supremist then this will be a very short conversation you Cork cunt.

You rotten little cunt, abusing a ladā€™s son. Did the bill for the two year prossie arrive last night or something?

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The global Trump market rally continues


Yes, but in fairness, one cannot underestimate their part in the election of President Trump.

I saw that. Desperately bad form. America is on a knife edge at the minute and the last thing we need is to start bringing kids into it.

Another democracy denier. What is it with you self righteous creeps that democracy must move aside to satisfy your tastes? Weird cunts.
And arenā€™t you an overweight sex tourist from Cark?

Cc @Sidney


Youā€™ve never seen any SNL in the last 30 years, bro? You should look it up, it used to be very funny.

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Chappelleā€™s monologue was better.

Are you Bill Oā€™Reilly?

A clue for you, pal, is that the likes you receive are all from the autistic, monosyllabic, trolling dregs of the forum who are usually unable to write more than one sentence in a post, if they can even manage that, which they often canā€™t, preferring to just use smileys instead.

If the market for your posts here was the market for that of a newspaper, it would be The Sun, or in a US context, it would be the comments section of Breitbart.

Iā€™m looking at numbers. Youā€™re inventing your own narrative.

Clinton got more votes in Florida than Obama did in 2012. Trump won Florida by expanding the electorate.

Clinton lost PA because she didnā€™t get enough voters in Philadelphia to turn out, because she lost in heavily working class areas like Scranton, and because the African-American share of the vote went from 13 to 10%.

She lost Ohio because she lost places like Youngstown, which has the highest unemployment rate in Ohio.

She lost Michigan because she couldnā€™t attract enough African-Americans to come out and vote.

And she lost all the above because Trump ate into the Democrats white working class vote.

To go back to your second to last post:

You think everybody who disagrees with you shows ā€œcomplete ignoranceā€. Youā€™ve routinely dismissed anything in the ā€œliberal mediaā€. Given that your definition of liberal media appears to include pretty much everything outside Fox News, Breitbart and the alt-right, one can form their own conclusions about who is living in ignorance and is happy to do so because it fits their worldview.

You offer no evidence whatsoever that Trumpā€™s success among non-college educated voters is ā€œa lieā€.

Ask 538, who deal in actual figures, not half-baked nonsense, like you.

But perhaps no demographic variable reflects Trumpā€™s electoral success better than education does. In counties where less than 20 percent of the population has a bachelorā€™s degree or higher, Trump exceeded Romneyā€™s margins by 14 percentage points. And, conversely, counties with more than 40 percent of the population having completed higher education, Trump did 6 percentage points worse than Romney.

But this, according to you, was not a factor in the states Trump flipped. :laughing:

The economic policies of Republicans - abolishing bank regulation, slashing taxes for the rich, cutting federal revenue by 10 trillion dollars over the next decade, creating an economic downturn by deporting immigrants, starting trade wars.

These are ā€œsensible economic policiesā€ now, apparently. Youā€™ve jumped the shark in a serious way.

You fail to understand that blacks, who have historically been oppressed and marginalised over the whole course of American history, voting for the first ever black candidate, is a very different thing from whites, a group who have always been dominant everywhere in the western world and no more so than the US, voting for a white candidate based on their white identity and ideas of white nationalism. It also shows an astounding ignorance of history and historical context, and an astounding blindness to the difference between the highly inclusive way Obama conducted his campaign and the deeply divisive and prejudiced way Trump did.

Hereā€™s two more snippets from the same 538 article about how the white vote was key to Trump:

in counties where the white population share was above 75 percent, Trump did 13 percentage points better than Romney, and in counties where whites are more than 90 percent of the population, Trump outperformed Romney by an astounding 17 points.

While Trump did well in whiter areas, he also overperformed in places that have seen an influx of nonwhites in recent years. A Wall Street Journal analysis before the election found that Trump was especially popular in counties that had become significantly more diverse over the past 15 years. These areas are often still mostly white, but are changing quickly.

That popularity sure wasnā€™t coming from the non-whites that have arrived in those counties over the last 15 years.

You seem to be, as you jumped in here having a bawl about my post saying she didnā€™t bother her hole looking at small towns and rural voters.

RAP music condones murder and misogyny - End of.

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You think youā€™re black :joy:

Not half as bad as thinking youā€™re from Cork.

Iā€™m almost certain heā€™s not lying about that