US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

I was slagging you not @Turenne

But ¯_(ツ)_/¯

*edit - why does the site botch the shrug smiley @Rocko?

It appears that you are a democracy denier.
Please state whether you accept Donald J Trump as the president elect of the USA, the same answer will cover whether any democratic decision by the citizens of the US is respected by you.

Can i have a simple Yes or No, please.


Many Republicans claim that the US is a republic, not a democracy, pal.

You’d also be better off aiming your point and your question about democracy-denying at them or @anon7035031, who has already stated that the US is not a direct democracy.

Is that a no then?

I didnt ask what many republicans think nor did i ask what @anon7035031 thinks, i asked do you accept democratic decisions made by the citizins of the USA, to be specific them electing Donal J Trump.

Yes or No.

You asked a question without even understanding what the question was about, pal.

It’s those who agree with the electoral college who are denying democracy, not those who think the popular vote should prevail.

Your question should have read “do I agree with the results of the electoral college system being upheld”. Given that the election was fought under electoral college rules, yes.

But you’re the democracy-denier here, pal.

Better luck next time, eh.

The US is not a direct democracy, it is a representative democracy i.e. the people don’t vote directly, they elect representatives to vote for them. Anyone claiming the US is not a democracy is simply wrong. The US is both a Republic and a democracy.


Iv given you 4 or 5 opportunities and i think i have my answer. You are anti democracy. You cannot accept democracy. You are a very very dangerous and hate filled individual who is the enemy of society.

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You’ve each time been sent away with this, pal. :laughing:

Get back to me when you’ve educated yourself. Bye now.

It would be quite possible here, even in a very representative democracy to lose a general election and win the popular vote, through poor vote management. Ultimately that’s what cost Hillary, the fact that she had millions of surplus votes in California that she couldn’t transfer to Wisconsin.

Also very important to remember the fiction/notion that the US is a federation of States and the concept of States rights. It’s actually a reasonable enough system viewed in that context.


It’s almost like it’s a collection of united states

It’s always useful when considering matters American to remember the film, My Cousin Vinny. Apart from the obvious cultural differences between North and South the difficulties that a New York qualified lawyer had in gaining an audience before a court in Alabama should be a pointer towards the vast legal and administrative gulf that exists between many States.



That’s nothing . Try tournafulla and Limerick city for real cultural difference .

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Get a job Sid

@ProjectX and. @Joe_Player said trump was right about Muslim a.
Not @ChocolateMice or @Sidney or @iron_mike

A great show. And his lady friend. Oh my.

Did Trump ever really display racism? He basically said he wanted to keep out illegal immigrants and Muslims, is that about it?

When @Joe_Player. and @ProjectX Backed his policy on Muslims you branded us. Racist you shilte

Is this true prick

[quote=“ChocolateMice, post:4204, topic:19437, full:true”]
Did Trump ever really display racism? He basically said he wanted to keep out illegal immigrants and Muslims, is that about it? [/quote]

I don’t believe Trump is a racist, although some of his supporters clearly are.
His language in the early going was quite clumsy, before he learned how to speak properly as a politician. He has since modified and clarified his positions, which are definitely not racist in any sense of the word.

On illegal immigration, he wants to deport illegals who are criminals, in particular dangerous criminals, and prevent further entry by criminals. In an open border policy which Clinton and the pinko wingnuts support, you have no control over who enters the country. So, basically strengthening the borders and vetting those who enter.

On Muslims, he has clarified that to implementing extreme vetting of immigrants and refugees from countries containing large numbers of people who want to wage jihad on the west, Syria, Iraq, etc. A sensible policy, given we know from experience these people exist and have already waged jihad on numerous occasions.